Competent opinion
O.Figovsky, A.Leykin
Review of nanotechnology in Israel Israel is a country with a highly innovative economy. A large number of companies work effectively in the field of nanotechnology. Coordination of these activities realizes the Israel National Nanotechnology Initiative, which, in particular, analyzes the activities of companies in their scientific and technological areas. It is important to note that the largest number of Israel companies accomplish projects in the field of nanomaterials.
Review of nanotechnology in Israel Israel is a country with a highly innovative economy. A large number of companies work effectively in the field of nanotechnology. Coordination of these activities realizes the Israel National Nanotechnology Initiative, which, in particular, analyzes the activities of companies in their scientific and technological areas. It is important to note that the largest number of Israel companies accomplish projects in the field of nanomaterials.
Tags: coordination initiative national nanotechnology scientific and technological areas координация научные и технологические направления национальная нанотехнологическая инициатива
A.Zavyalov, T.Brusentseva, L.Vikulina, S.Bardakhanov, T.Chimytov, V.Syzrantse
The interaction of silica nanoparticles with polymers Nanocomposite materials possess an increase or appearance of new characteristics in comparison with analogues containing macro- and micro-components. Purpose of the work is to modify the properties of the polymer with nanofillers, for which are used mainly the silicates powders of an own production.
The interaction of silica nanoparticles with polymers Nanocomposite materials possess an increase or appearance of new characteristics in comparison with analogues containing macro- and micro-components. Purpose of the work is to modify the properties of the polymer with nanofillers, for which are used mainly the silicates powders of an own production.
Tags: macro- and micro-components nanocomposite materials макро- и микрокомпоненты нанокомпозиционные материалы
Ceramics from zinc oxide nanopowder. Production, structure, properties Fine ceramics (about 2–5 microns) from nanodispersed of zinc oxide powder on hot pressing plant was produced, its properties were investigated. This zinc oxide ceramics can be used as a target for magnetron, electron beam and other methods to create transparent conductive films. In particular, this optical ceramics is a promising alternative to traditional mono crystals in scintillation and laser technology.
Ceramics from zinc oxide nanopowder. Production, structure, properties Fine ceramics (about 2–5 microns) from nanodispersed of zinc oxide powder on hot pressing plant was produced, its properties were investigated. This zinc oxide ceramics can be used as a target for magnetron, electron beam and other methods to create transparent conductive films. In particular, this optical ceramics is a promising alternative to traditional mono crystals in scintillation and laser technology.
Tags: hot pressing plant nanodispersed powder scintillation and laser technology горячее прессование нанодисперсный порошок сцинтилляционная и лазерная техника
S.Nesterov, Romanko, A.Holopkin
The efficiency of thermoelectric current inputs from submicron powders of bismuth telluride alloys for HTS- PTL Promising application of the high-temperature super-conducting conductors (HTS) is their use in the power transmission lines (PTL). Over the last ten years a number of investigations were carried out to assess the feasibility of creating HTS-PTL power lines on AC. The main drawback of such power lines is power losses connected with the reversal of the material with AC. HTS – PTL on DC do not have this drawback, but they require electrical inverters which convert AC to DC and vice versa. It is shown that at the length more than 50 km the efficiency of PTL on DC exceeds this figure for PTL on AC. In addition, PTL on DC have a lower cost, greater resistance to short-circuit, the ability to operate at very large voltages (up to 800 kV).
The efficiency of thermoelectric current inputs from submicron powders of bismuth telluride alloys for HTS- PTL Promising application of the high-temperature super-conducting conductors (HTS) is their use in the power transmission lines (PTL). Over the last ten years a number of investigations were carried out to assess the feasibility of creating HTS-PTL power lines on AC. The main drawback of such power lines is power losses connected with the reversal of the material with AC. HTS – PTL on DC do not have this drawback, but they require electrical inverters which convert AC to DC and vice versa. It is shown that at the length more than 50 km the efficiency of PTL on DC exceeds this figure for PTL on AC. In addition, PTL on DC have a lower cost, greater resistance to short-circuit, the ability to operate at very large voltages (up to 800 kV).
Tags: conductors high-temperature superconducting power transmission lines высокотемпературные сверхпроводящие проводники линии передачи электроэнергии
P.Bazaly, L.Romanko, G.Ilnitskaya, N.Oleynik
Electrophysical characteristics of modified carbon nanotubes One of the promising directions of material science and nanotechnologies is creation of carbon nanotubes (CNTs). The results of experimental inves-tigations of the physical and chemical properties of nanopowders of multiwalled CNTs are presented in this article. The possibility of varying the value of electric resistivity by modifying them and by using of CNTs as a filler of polymer composites with a given conductivity is shown.
Electrophysical characteristics of modified carbon nanotubes One of the promising directions of material science and nanotechnologies is creation of carbon nanotubes (CNTs). The results of experimental inves-tigations of the physical and chemical properties of nanopowders of multiwalled CNTs are presented in this article. The possibility of varying the value of electric resistivity by modifying them and by using of CNTs as a filler of polymer composites with a given conductivity is shown.
Tags: carbon nanotubes conductivity nanopowders нанопорошки углеродные нанотрубки электропроводность
Test & Measurement
S.Savinov, I.Yaminsky
From Scan to FemtoScan: results of 25 years of scientific activities The emergence of scanning probe microscopy (SPM) coincided with the beginning of the era of personal computers. For the past twenty five years the SPM history has become an era of high technology development which are largely related to the scientific and technological revolution in computer and information technologies. This paper discusses the creation of the first Russian SPM Scan instrument and its subsequent brand new modifications.
From Scan to FemtoScan: results of 25 years of scientific activities The emergence of scanning probe microscopy (SPM) coincided with the beginning of the era of personal computers. For the past twenty five years the SPM history has become an era of high technology development which are largely related to the scientific and technological revolution in computer and information technologies. This paper discusses the creation of the first Russian SPM Scan instrument and its subsequent brand new modifications.
Tags: computer and information technologies scanning probe microscopy сканирующая зондовая микроскопия компьютерные и информационные т
Нанотехнологии и образование
A.Andreeva, A.Ivanov, V.Kutuzov, V.Luchinin, M.Pratusevich
Development in nanotechnology of skills and professional orientation of youth Development of Russia is focused on the restoration of basic science, forming national innovation system integrated into the world. It determines the need for increasing the number of scientific and engineering personnel with a high level of competence, creating conditions for creative youth to acquire knowledge and skills for use of its capabilities in high-tech industries. Purpose of the article is a system providing of information on the complex of low-budget education and research laboratories for formation of technologic culture in the field of nanotechnology. The use of these laboratories will take place at three levels: basic, creative and professionally oriented.
Development in nanotechnology of skills and professional orientation of youth Development of Russia is focused on the restoration of basic science, forming national innovation system integrated into the world. It determines the need for increasing the number of scientific and engineering personnel with a high level of competence, creating conditions for creative youth to acquire knowledge and skills for use of its capabilities in high-tech industries. Purpose of the article is a system providing of information on the complex of low-budget education and research laboratories for formation of technologic culture in the field of nanotechnology. The use of these laboratories will take place at three levels: basic, creative and professionally oriented.
Tags: basic creative and professionally oriented levels low-budget education and research labora-tories базовый малобюджетные учебно-научные лаборатории творческий и профессионально-ориентированный уровни
There is an idea!
TNanotechnologies and acceleration of macro-particles is the thermonuclear problem solution The creation of the fusion power station on inertial thermonuclear fusion is not entirely successful. Heating a solid state target of deuterium and tritium by laser radiation, ion beam or the inertial Z-pinch effect provides a single micro-explosion, but the frequency of such explosions has be large enough and for a station with a capacity of about GW it will be dosens of Hz. It is very difficult to focus the radiation of a large number of sources and place the target to the set point in hundreds parts of the second because there was an explosion equivalent to dusens of kilograms of TNT in the reactor. How long it can take technically to replace the target. Degradation of optical elements under the influence of ionizing radiation has not been solved yet. Unsuccessful attempts to obtain energy from plasma confined by a magnetic field do not contribute to creation of a cost-effective thermonuclear station. There is a need to consider a different approach.
TNanotechnologies and acceleration of macro-particles is the thermonuclear problem solution The creation of the fusion power station on inertial thermonuclear fusion is not entirely successful. Heating a solid state target of deuterium and tritium by laser radiation, ion beam or the inertial Z-pinch effect provides a single micro-explosion, but the frequency of such explosions has be large enough and for a station with a capacity of about GW it will be dosens of Hz. It is very difficult to focus the radiation of a large number of sources and place the target to the set point in hundreds parts of the second because there was an explosion equivalent to dusens of kilograms of TNT in the reactor. How long it can take technically to replace the target. Degradation of optical elements under the influence of ionizing radiation has not been solved yet. Unsuccessful attempts to obtain energy from plasma confined by a magnetic field do not contribute to creation of a cost-effective thermonuclear station. There is a need to consider a different approach.
Tags: current-carrying system deuterium and tritium ion beam laser radiation use of z-pinch-effect дейтерий и тритий использование z-пинч-эффекта fusion power station лазерное излучение пучки ионов термоядерная электростанция токонесущая система
Conferences, Exhibitions, Seminars
V.Verner, A.Reznev, A.Saurov, Yu.Chaplygin
Exhibition Electronics-2012 November 13–16, 2012 in Munich was held the 25h exhibition "Electronics-2012", which is organized every two years. For the 50 years it becomes an internationally recognized forum for producers and consumers of the electronic industry. If on the first events it was represented chip industry often, now the exhibition brings together manufacturers of components for a variety of devices and systems.
Exhibition Electronics-2012 November 13–16, 2012 in Munich was held the 25h exhibition "Electronics-2012", which is organized every two years. For the 50 years it becomes an internationally recognized forum for producers and consumers of the electronic industry. If on the first events it was represented chip industry often, now the exhibition brings together manufacturers of components for a variety of devices and systems.
Tags: electronic industry producers and consumers производители и потребители электронная промышленность
Modular nanotransporters: delivery of anticancer drugs One of the main issues discussed at the meeting of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, in November 2012 was the creation of modular nanotransporters for the delivery of anticancer drugs.
Modular nanotransporters: delivery of anticancer drugs One of the main issues discussed at the meeting of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, in November 2012 was the creation of modular nanotransporters for the delivery of anticancer drugs.
Tags: delivery of anticancer drugs modular nanotransporters доставка противораковых препаратов модульные нанотранспортеры
Issues of patenting
D. Sokolov
How outstanding inventions are created Almost each inventor wishes to be imprinted in human history. And the main route for this purpose - creation of a pioneer or important invention, which can give rise to a new direction in science and engineering. Whether it is possible to program your success in this matter or at least to define basic directions of further steps? One of good decisions – to use a complex of well known techniques, leading to principally new results. It is expedient to consider such approach by an example of scanning probe microscopy.
How outstanding inventions are created Almost each inventor wishes to be imprinted in human history. And the main route for this purpose - creation of a pioneer or important invention, which can give rise to a new direction in science and engineering. Whether it is possible to program your success in this matter or at least to define basic directions of further steps? One of good decisions – to use a complex of well known techniques, leading to principally new results. It is expedient to consider such approach by an example of scanning probe microscopy.