X-ray and diamond optics. New materials and Devices for technological breakthrough DOI: 10.22184/1993-8578.2020.13.3-4.168.173
Investigation of influence of packing density of axons on diffusivity DOI: 10.22184/1993-8578.2020.13.3-4.180.186
Diffusion-weighted MRI is sensitive to biological tissue architecture on a micrometer scale. Determining whether it is possible to infer the specific mechanisms that underlie changes in DW-MRI could lead to new diffusion contrasts specific to particular brain white-matter degeneration processes. We have developed a renormalization group method in order to explore the effects of a large range of microparameters on apparent diffusion and have applied it to different kinds of biological tissue tessellations. Our approach takes the influence of disorder into the consideration and it allows quantitative investigation of the sensitivity of apparent diffusion to the variations of the dominant set of microparameters.
Early detection of viral infections using solid-state piezoelectric ceramic biosensors DOI: 10.22184/1993-8578.2020.13.3-4.188.195
The early detection of viral pathogens is a fundamental goal of modern biomedicine. An effective solution to this problem is especially in demand in the context of the current global coronavirus pandemic. At the same time, and upon its completion, the development of new and each time more effective biosensors for viral infections will continue in an intensive manner. Viruses are human companions in the past, present and future.
Radiation nanoelectronics: a modern pulse for the appearance and development of new directions of nanoindustry DOI: 10.22184/1993-8578.2020.13.3-4.196.204
The fundamental features of the formation of a new physical, technical and technological direction that meets the requirements of solid-state electronics, the development of other areas, including biomedical, are presented and substantiated.
Hydrothermal nanosilica in the production of environmentally friendly salad products with desired properties in a closed agrobiotechnological system DOI: 10.22184/1993-8578.2020.13.3-4.206.220
The possibility of controlling the quality of salad products under conditions of a closed agrobiotechnical system with controlled conditions by processing with silicon-containing preparations was tested experimentally: a complex preparation of hydrothermal nanosilica with synthetic analogue of phytohormone auxin, crezacin, in relation to silica, similar to organosilicon component 1-chloromethyl in Russia plant growth - the Energia M preparation. The use of hydrothermal nanosilica with synthetic phytohormone crezacin makes it possible to purposefully change the chemical composition and obtain products of a given quality. The effect of nanosilica on product quality is complex multilateral: organoleptic properties of the product are improved, the content of residual amounts of nitrates and the toxic element of lead is reduced, the proportion of solids, the level of antioxidant activity and the accumulation of vitamin C are increased. The content in leaves significantly (up to 2-3 times) vitamins of group B. The shelf life of products is increased by reducing water loss (dehydration) during storage. A significant stimulating effect on the test cultures of Paramecium caudatum and Daphnia magna was revealed, which gives reason to assume a high level of food safety, as well as the effect of the appearance of new properties in the salad - a manifestation of biological activity that improves the living environment for biotesting objects, which manifested itself in an increase in their vital activity and productivity. The data obtained can be used for practical purposes for growing salad products with a controlled enriched chemical composition and increased nutritional and biological value.
Calculation of the transfer characteristic of the anisotropic magnetoresistive magnetic field transducer DOI: 10.22184/1993-8578.2020.13.3-4.230.238
The developed theoretical model of one-dimensional heterogeneity (MODH) is presented. Described are the main factors affecting distribution of a thin magnetoresistive element magnetization vector of an anisotropic magnetoresistive transducer (AMRT). The calculated results of AMRT volt-oersted characteristics obtained using MODH are consistent with the experimental data.
High-speed atomic force and scanning capillary microscopy in solving problems of materials science, biology and medicine DOI: 10.22184/1993-8578.2020.13.3-4.222.228
The development of highly efficient modes of a high-speed scanning probe microscope, primarily atomic force and scanning capillary microscopy, is of particular interest for successful biomedical research: studying biological processes and the morphology of biopolymers, determining antibiotic resistance of bacteria, targeted delivery of biomacromolecules, drug screening, early detection agents (viruses and bacteria), etc.
Engineer 2020: at the joint of technologies, design and entrepreneurship. Online conference experience DOI: 10.22184/1993-8578.2020.13.3-4.174.178
In the difficult period of the coronavirus pandemic and the economic crisis, the question of the employment of specialists and the prospects for employment of university graduates is especially acute. On the one hand, the world has long passed over to technological rails, where an engineer plays one of the main roles, on the other hand, it is unclear whether both young and experienced engineers will be in demand in the post-pandemic labor market. Who is a modern engineer and what do Russian employers expect from him? More than 20 leading experts from technology companies and engineering universities came together to answer this and many other questions at the first Russian online conference on engineering education CEE 2020, organized by ANO eNano and the Fund for Infrastructure and Educational Programs of the RUSNANO Group.