Low noise laser sourses: from microwave photonics to plasmonics and biotechnologies DOI: 10.22184/1993-8578.2021.14.3-4.168.173
Protein nanogenerators of the living cell electricity as the prototype of the nature-like "green" nanoelectric energetics DOI: 10.22184/1993-8578.2021.14.3-4.174.183
Protein generators of electricity are nanosized enzymatic complexes of electron transport chains of membranes of plant and animal cells. On the basis of the convergence of bioenergy and nanotechnology, theoretical studies of the properties of these protein electric generators have been carried out, as a result of which nanobioelectrophysical, nanobioheat-energy and quantum-wave mathematical models of the mechanism of their operation in the ETC have been created.
Optical microscopy with the use of microlenses DOI: 10.22184/1993-8578.2021.14.3-4.184.187
Microscopy with the use of microspheres is a new method to obtain 3D images with ultra-high resolution due to the use of a transparent microsphere at visualization in a standard optical microscope. When using a microlens microscope it is possible to get an optical resolution up to a hundred of nanometers horizontally during visualization of blu-ray disc surface grooves. It does not require to introduce labels, it is just necessary to slightly upgrade the optical microscope. It is possible to improve the microlense microscopy capabilities using the interference microscopy which provides high sensitivity and image topography of ultra-high resolution.
Application of super-resolution method in diffusion MRI DOI: 10.22184/1993-8578.2021.14.3-4.188.195
Diffusion MRI is a magnetic resonance imaging method that estimates random molecular motion of molecules in biological tissue. The most popular its application consists in disentangling of tissue anisotropy. Nowadays high resolution imaging techniques allow to make conclusions not only about brain white matter structure but also a gray matter attracts a great attention. However, such potentially valuable MRI methods are not used in clinical environment routinely because they require a long acquisition time. In this work we process low-resolution diffusion MRI and calculate high-resolution images by means of super-resolution reconstruction. We calculate diffusion-tensor and estimate quality of its fitting comparing with alternative interpolation methods. We demonstrate benefit of super-resolution technique in terms of root-mean-square error and by analyzing fractional anisotropy and other tensor invariants.
Comparative study of volumetric and surface mechanical properties of the materials for dental constructions obtained using additive technologies DOI: 10.22184/1993-8578.2021.14.3-4.196.204
This paper presents the results of testing the instrumental hardness and elastic modulus, linear wear and friction coefficients of the original and polished samples for dental structures obtained using additive technologies. In addition to the study of local mechanical properties, volumetric characteristics – elastic modulus, strength and deformation – were measured using the three-point bending method. The surface of the samples subjected to the bending test did not undergo sample preparation.
Chromium galvanic plating modified by a combination of multilayer carbon nanotubes and nanodiamonds DOI: 10.22184/1993-8578.2021.14.3-4.206.211
An experimental study of the microhardness of the obtained chromium plating from a standard electrolyte modified with a combination of multilayer carbon nanotubes (MLCNT) and nanodiamonds was carried out. It was revealed that when the combination of MLCNT of "Taunit" series and nanodiamonds is added to the electrolyte, the microhardness of the chromium coating increases to 1,084 kg/mm2.
Portable nano-holographic planmeter DOI: 10.22184/1993-8578.2021.14.3-4.212.222
Portable NANO holographic plane meter refers to measuring technology, more precisely to the field of measuring and controlling the quality of optical surfaces, their deviation from a given surface shape, determining surface roughness, including super smooth surfaces, such as flat mirrors, polished substrates, etc. PNHPM leads to an increase in the measurement accuracy, removal of restrictions on the size of the surface, accelerate measurements in the wide temperature range.
Electromechanical cantilever sensors for detection of biological objects DOI: 10.22184/1993-8578.2021.14.3-4.224.230
Recognition of viruses in the medical diagnostics can be performed using a polymerase chain reaction and an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Although these methods have extremely high sensitivity and selectivity, it is necessary to involve a qualified personnel, investments, use additional labels and time to data processing to diagnose. Nowadays, effective and easy-to-use small sensors indicating the result with high specificity are absolutely necessary.
Рigh-resolution digital holographic microscope for transparent objects DOI: 10.22184/1993-8578.2021.14.3-4.232.238
In this paper, it is proposed the use of a spherical digital matrix for recording a hologram in a digital holographic microscope to obtain the high-frequency component of a phase object with the aim of increasing the resolution of its reconstructed image and thereby its quality.