Biodegradable and biocompatible magnesium alloy materials show a promising future in medical applications and are currently the subject of active research. This paper presents the results of using combined thermomechanical processing by means of equal-channel angular pressing (ECAP) and subsequent extrusion, to produce the long-sized rods from magnesium alloy Mg-1%Zn-0.06%Ca with an ultrafine-grained structure and enhanced mechanical properties. The thermomechanical conditions have been determined through the use of computer modeling, with specific attention paid to intervals of strain rates, the degree of deformation, and the stress-strain state during the ECAP and extrusion processes. An experimental deformation was conducted, and the structure of the rods obtained through combined processing was investigated. The results demonstrate that the combined processing of the initial homogenized alloy, comprising ECAP and subsequent extrusion, enabled the formation of UFG structure with a grain size of approximately 1 µm and the creation of nano-sized particles, which led to a significant increase in the mechanical properties of the alloy in the rod-shaped samples intended for the manufacture of promising implants in maxillofacial surgery.
Tags: computer finite element modeling ductility equal-channel angular pressing extrusion magnesium alloy microhardness ultimate tensile strength ultrafine-grained structure компьютерное конечно-элементное моделирование магниевый сплав микротвердость пластичность предел прочности равноканальное угловое прессование ультрамелкозернистая структура экструзия
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