Development of nanotechnologies stimulates interest to thin films deposition, which are widely used in microelectronics, nanophotonics, optics and optoelectronics, spaceindustries for creation of strengthening, light-reflecting, dielectric and conducting coatings. Magnetron sputtering deposition of thin-films in vacuum is the most popular technology in this field today. Its main advantages are the high process speed and accuracy of sputtering material composition reproduction .

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Книги по нанотехнологиям
Жигачев А.О., Головин Ю.И., Умрихин А.В., Коренков В.В., Тюрин А.И., Родаев В.В., Дьячек Т.А. / Под общей редакцией Ю.И. Головина
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Issue #6/2013
S. Petrov
SemiTEq Versatile Magnetron Sputtering Systems
Development of nanotechnologies stimulates interest to thin films deposition, which are widely used in microelectronics, nanophotonics, optics and optoelectronics, spaceindustries for creation of strengthening, light-reflecting, dielectric and conducting coatings. Magnetron sputtering deposition of thin-films in vacuum is the most popular technology in this field today. Its main advantages are the high process speed and accuracy of sputtering material composition reproduction .
Magnetron sputtering is applied for metal thin films (Ag, Au, Al, Cu, etc.), semiconductors (Si, Ge, SiC, GaAs, etc.), and dielectrics (Al2O3, SiO2, etc.) deposition. Key advantages of any equipment in fast growing industries like nanotechnologies are flexibile configuration and possibility for modernization depending on the user’s goals. Versatile System STE MS 105 for the deposition processes in vacuum using magnetron sputtering and e-beam evaporation techniques was spesially designed in SemiTEq. (Fig.1). This System was intended in flexible design for a wide range of magnetron related PVD applications in R&D and allows to sputter magnetic materials and multicomponent oxides on the substrate heated up to 900oC using magnetron targets as a materials’ sources.
Depending on the application the System is offered in HV or UHV version.
STE MS105 functional applications: multi-functional System for vacuum deposition with various sources for R&D applications: ability to use e-beam and/or thermal resistance evaporators, ion beam source for cleaning); magnetron sputtering of multicomponent materials from 2-3 magnetrons simultaneously from targets Ø 76.2 mm (the magnetrons are focused on substrateholder at the centre of the chamber); ability to reconfigure the System for using up to 7 magnetrons for sequential materials evaporation; ability for System reconfiguration for consistent materials deposition using carrousel type substrate holder. The System configuration is optimal for deposition of new materials and alloys.

Allows to sputter magnetic materials and multicomponent oxides on the substrate heated up to 900oC using magnetron targets as a materials’ sources
Magnetron sputtering of multicomponent materials from 2-3 magnetrons simultaneously;
Using 2 or 3 magnetrons with the same targets for achieving the best uniformity for ∅ 100 mm and
∅ 150 mm wafers.
Reactor design specific features : up to 3 magnetron evaporator targets ∅ 76.2 mm; the power source 2 kW (DC) or 0.75 kW (RF) at the customer's request; the process gases: Ar, H2, O2, N2; magnetron sources are located on a flexible brackets and can be focused to a single wafer point (confocal geometry) for co-deposition mode; all sources have individual shutters. The System can be operated manually or from a portable interface module on the PC basis (fully automated process).
STE MS105 is the basic System in SemiTEq magnetron sputtering product line. The company develops not only multipurpose R&D Systems, but also equipment for pilot production (STE MS116 model) (Fig.3), which ensures a group processing of wafers with diameter up to 150mm, and also 60×48mm wafers. STE MS116 Design also allows to use it as a multi-functional System for vacuum deposition with various sources and to carry out deposition of metals, magnetic materials and multicomponent oxides at atemperature on the substrate up to 500oС.
The basic configuration includes:
5 ports for material sources and / or an ion source and a special port for gas shower;
Carousel type substrate holder with the possibility of varying the samples sizes;
4 magnetron sources with a target diameter up to 150mm with individual valves;
One 5kW DC source for operation in a pulsedmode, another one RF13,56 MHz power supply source with an automatic device for voltage maintenance
2.5 kW, a complete set of electronics with automatic reconnection between the magnetrons;
The ion source (ions energy 20 ÷ 300 eV) for substrate cleaning prior the deposition with the protective screens system;
3 gas lines with automatic gas flow controllers including a corrosion-proof performance bypass line.
On-site technical training of the customer for the System operation as well as basic technology training & demo are included. Training program, including development and transfer of device-oriented processes can be provided optionally.
Joint-stock company NTO
194156, S.-Petersburg, 27, Engels Av., bld.5, lit. A.
Ph.:+7 (812) 633 05 96; fax: +7(812) 633 05 97.
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