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Книги по нанотехнологиям
Жигачев А.О., Головин Ю.И., Умрихин А.В., Коренков В.В., Тюрин А.И., Родаев В.В., Дьячек Т.А. / Под общей редакцией Ю.И. Головина
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Книги, изданные при поддержке РФФИ
cooperation between intermolecular and ulyanovsk nanocenter

A.Redkin, Director General of Ulyanovsk Nanocenter, and D.Lazovski, SEO of American company Intermolecular, Inc. (IMI), signed In San Jose (Silicon Valley, California), contracts concerning a joint research program in the field of functional thin-film coatings and delivery to Russia of a combinatory research platform for deposition of thin-film coatings on various materials, a technology, which has no analogues in Russia, CIS and even in Europe.
It should be pointed out that one know-how of IMI is establishment of a combinatory platform, allowing to accelerate R&D and introduction of innovations, and also to reduce considerably the period of time necessary for introduction of a new product in the market in the area of deposition of thin-film coatings.
The aquired unique equipment will be transferred to the technological company established by nanocenters of Ulyanovsk, Dubna and Republic of Mordovia. The combinatory platform will be distributed between Ulyanovsk, Dubna, Saransk and San Jose, while the basic part of it will be in one of the laboratories in Ulyanovsk Nanocenter.

The main activities of the established technological company will be R&D in the sphere of the thin-film coatings for the glass industry, photo-electric devices, power electronics and displays. The company is expected to begin its operation in the 1st quarter of 2014, while the search for specialists with knowledge of English language is already going on now. Scientists and developers from all over the world, wishing to realise themselves in the field of thin-film coatings, are invited. Companies from Russia and the CIS countries are also invited to participate in the joint projects for development of advanced coatings.
It is worth mentioning that the agreement of intentions concerning realization of the given project was signed by the parties just on August, 16th, of the current year.
Press Release of UCTT

Gazprom Invests in Innovations

Gazprom and Rosnano Companies held a meeting on development and introduction of innovative products for the objects of the energy corporation. The participants in the meeting discussed the questions of cooperation with nanotechnological enterprises, including Rosnano portfolio companies. In particular, it was the question of application of metallized protective coatings with high corrosion resistance from Placart Co. Trial operation of such coatings in Astrakhan Gas-processing Plant received a high appraisal, therefore the question of application of the anticorrosive, fire- and wearproof Placart coatings in other gas-transport and gas producing enterprises of Gazprom is now being studied.
The other questions discussed included introduction of modern energy-saving technologies. In particular, application of the light-emitting diode lamps from Optogan Co. in the objects of Gazprom Transgaz Ugorsk allowed the company to lower the energy consumption of the lighting equipment by 34%. Besides, in January, 2014, it is planned to begin a trial operation of the direct current systems based on Liotech lithium-ion batteries introduced by Oldam Co.
Special attention was devoted to feasibility studies and possible spheres of application of the pipes from composite materials. The parties agreed to sum up the preliminary results of this work before the end of the year.
Gazprom is one of the leaders among the Russian companies in investments into innovations. Since November, 2010, the corporation together with Rosnano has been working systematically on the use of nanotechnologies in the gas industry.
Rosnano Press Service

Sumitomo Corp. Acquires a Part of Russian Quartz Co.
Rosnano announced its partial withdrawal from the capital of Russian Quartz Co. The buyer of the part of Rosnano equal to 16.13% of the authorized capital of the portfolio company is a big Japanese industrial corporation – Sumitomo Corp.
Product of Russian Quartz Co. is a high-clean quartz concentrate for the high-tech branches.
It is used for manufacture of the quartz glass and is an indispensable component of the single-crystalline silicon, basic material for the microelectronic and solar industries. A project of technical re-equipment of the production on the basis of Kyshtym ore-dressing and processing enterprise was launched in 2011.
The first part of a dry enrichment project is already in operation. The nearest plans envisage launch of the first stage of production of a deep concentration of quartz. Participation of Sumitomo Corp. in the project will allow the enterprise to accelerate achievement of its full capacity and reach the planned targets ahead of time.
Rosnano Press Service
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