Among the scientific and technical priorities of the innovative system for transfer of knowledge and technologies a special place is occupied by flexible electronics and photonics. The article presents a review of the activity of a specialized scientific and technical conference and youth school in this direction.

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Книги по нанотехнологиям
Жигачев А.О., Головин Ю.И., Умрихин А.В., Коренков В.В., Тюрин А.И., Родаев В.В., Дьячек Т.А. / Под общей редакцией Ю.И. Головина
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Книги, изданные при поддержке РФФИ
Issue #8/2013
Flexible Electronics
Among the scientific and technical priorities of the innovative system for transfer of knowledge and technologies a special place is occupied by flexible electronics and photonics. The article presents a review of the activity of a specialized scientific and technical conference and youth school in this direction.
The term "flexible electronics" (polymeric, printing) reflects two main components of the given direction:
Science of materials basis – the design-material specific features of substrates, systems of switching-isolation and functional elements;
Technological basis – a set of methods for formation of the functional elements and switching-isolation systems based on the roll-stencilling and drop-jet printing technologies.
The purpose of the present message is presentation of the main directions for development of the flexible electronics and photonics, which found their reflection in the domestic and foreign reports of the participants in the conference.
Scientific Youth School
The youth school "Materials and Technologies for Flexible Electronics" functioned within one day. In the lecturing-educational part of the school the greatest attention was devoted to the material-science aspect of the modern flexible electronics and photonics, which was evident from the titles of the lectures: Physical and chemical foundations of the technology of flexible electronics, V.Moshnikov, D.Sc.; Nanocomposites based on colloidal semi-conductor nanoparticles; their obtaining, properties and applications, S.Musikhin, Ph.D.; New methods of synthesis of graphene and their modelling, N.Alekseyev, D.Sc.; Organic materials for advanced electronics, Dr. J.Kawakita, National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Japan; Langmuir-Blodgett films based on polyimides, S.Goloudin, Ph.D.

These questions made it possible to present a complex of problems concerning the synthesis of the initial components of the flexible electronics and photonics, necessary for the formation of the functional elements, systems of switching-isolation, passivation and protection.
In the finishing lecture "Drop-jet and matrix-printing technologies" V.Luchinin, D.Sc., presented the basic directions in development of the technological base of the flexible electronics and photonics, distinguished by high efficiency, variability of the applied materials, flexibility of the substrate, possibility of formation of various topological pictures with high enough spatial resolution. All this allows us to define it as "printing".
The financial support for the scientific youth school was provided by Eltech SPb Co., one of the major domestic organizations in the field of delivery of equipment and formation of the clean room facilities for the radio electronics enterprises and higher educational establishments in Russia. When the work of the youth school was finished and after the bench session, during which over 50 reports of young engineers and scientific employees, post-graduate students and students were presented, the winners were named. The first prize was awarded to the report "Flexible multilayered absorbers of the electromagnetic waves for diagnostics of compatibility of electronic devices" by young employees from Magneton-Plastic Co.
Scientific and technical conference
and exhibition
Within three days the sessions of the scientific and technical conference were held in LETI, in which more than 100 specialists from Russia, Belarus, Holland, Italy, Finland and Japan took part and delivered 22 plenary reports reflecting the promising and base directions in the development of the flexible electronics and photonics.
Analysis of the materials of the first Russian specialized conference on flexible electronics and photonics demonstrated that:
The design-technological solutions in this area provide opportunities for an express prototyping of a wide range of products of micro- and nanotechnologies;
The most widely used and dynamically adaptable technologies concerning topological localization and composition of the deposition materials are the drop-jet printing methods ensuring a micron resolution;
Formation of three-dimensional designs with a high enough spatial resolution is ensured by volume laser stereolithography;
The highest speed of formation of a complex switching on the surface of 2D- and 3D-objects is ensured by a laser conversion (modification) of the metal-containing polymeric substratum;
Effective directions for the use of the technologies of flexible electronics and photonics are radiators and converters of the optical radiation on a flexible substrate and also organic-inorganic flexible accumulators;
The most demanded products of the flexible electronics and photonics are the hybrid tiny devices integrating sensor and executive microsystems with information-communication crystals-chips for gathering, processing and transfer of information (for example: orientating-navigating or biomedical modules);
In this area it is necessary to recognize as a promising direction for further use of the design-technological solutions microrobotics, smart clothes and "laboratories on a chip";
Of interest is development of special textile technologies employing micro- and nanofibers with various physical, chemical, thermophysical, electric, optical and biological properties.
At the exhibition, which was held within the framework of the conference, the greatest interest was attracted to the Interuniversity Centre for Prototyping and Contract Manufacture of Micro- and Nanoproducts Co. (MTSKP Co.), established on the basis of LETI, and installation for a drop-jet formation of drawings by various function-oriented technical inks. The centre, which specializes in the technologies of flexible electronics and has from a number of foreign suppliers of the equipment for the above purposes the right to represent their interests in Russia, took upon itself the functions of one of the major organizers-sponsors of the conference.
Opening of a joint laboratory of Beneq
and LETI
On November, 15th, 2013, the vice-consul of Finland in S.-Petersburg and the Head of the Department of the Investment Policy and Innovations of the Committee on the Industrial Policy and Innovations of S.-Petersburg opened a joint laboratory of Beneq Oy and LETI (cover of the journal). The main objective of this laboratory was formulated as formation of competences and hardware support for introduction in the market of new products and industrial solutions in the area of nano-layer compositions and controlled layer-by-layer synthesis.
Activity of the joint laboratory embraces R&D and introduction of the Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD). ALD is a promising technology for wide applications: from development of coatings for the window glasses for smart houses and spaceships up to components of flexible electronics and smart clothes. Within the framework of the seminar and round table, held at the opening of the laboratory, the leading Russian and foreign scientists and experts from industry discussed the future of ALD technology and ways of its development in Russia.
The round table was organized with participation of the leading Russian specialists, and some of them stood at the sources of ALD method – Professor A.Malygin, D.Sc.,Head of the Chair of Chemical Nanotechnology and Materials for Electronic Technologies SPbGTI (TU) and V.Drozd, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Chair of Chemistry of Solid Body of SPbGU. In Russia there are already 12 laboratories which are carrying out research works in the field of ALD. Popularity of this technology is expected to grow due to minimization of the characteristic scales of the structural elements of the integrated circuits employed for its use and a demand for deposition of monolayers and layers of a controllable thickness.
For example, ALD technology allows us to create coatings capable to considerably increase the efficiency of the lithium-ion accumulators, while passivating ALD layers for electronics ensure electric stability and chemical stability of the electronic component base. Invisible ALD coatings on a glass raise its firmness to damage, make it stronger and less prone to destruction because of a superficial pressure, which is important for the glass industry and production of displays.
This technology is already being actively used by NASA for hardening of the glasses of the space vehicles. The thin-film electroluminescent displays produced by Beneq with the use of ALD technologies can operate in the extreme conditions of temperatures from -60°C up to 100°С, high humidity and fog. Such displays proved to be indispensable for the space industry and shipbuilding.
Biocompatible ALD films can be used for changing of the properties of the contact surfaces between an implant and human tissues, or for improvement of the resistance to abrasion and corrosion. A thin ALD film of several nm-thickness is elastic enough. Coatings based on ALD technology can prevent spread of bacteria, which is important for development of the laboratory tanks, biomedical technologies, tools and biochips.
Beneq Oy is a Finnish company, which was founded in 2005 and in 2012 received from Rosnano investment of 25 million Euros and now is a leading supplier of the industrial and research equipment and technologies for obtaining of coatings of nano-sized thickness. The company’s equipment is applied for deposition of the coatings, which strengthen and protect them from moisture, damages and tarnishing. The company’s technologies make possible to develop optical filters changing the light-transmission factor. The company’s solutions are demanded in manufacture of the solar panels in optics and light engineering, flexible electronics and medicine. The company introduced in the market revolutionary innovations in the field of obtaining of thin films: continuous rolled deposition (Roll-to-Roll) of layers and high-efficiency aerosol deposition of coatings nAERO.
In general the content of the reports presented at the conference and also discussion on the problems of development of the domestic flexible electronics and photonics allow us to say that Russia has no systematized R&D in this area, notwithstanding the considerable volumes of researches in the sphere materials science and adoption of foreign technological equipment for the above-stated purposes. Also absent are professional standards and a purposeful professional training for the needs of the industrial manufacture of the products of flexible electronics and photonics.

LETI thanks Eltech SPb Co. and MTSKP Co. for the financial support provided to the conference and youth school, and also Beneq Oy Co. for organizing the event connected with the opening of a joint with LETI laboratory of atomic-molecular chemical assemblage. ■
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Разработка: студия Green Art