17 September in Moscow the congress-exhibition Composite Build 2014 was held. It has brought together professionals interested in the development of composite materials industry. Business program of the event included a discussion about aspects of the use of composites in the construction of buildings and infrastructure, as well as about the problems in the industry as a whole. In particular, the moderator of the plenary discussion, the director of the Interdisciplinary Engineering Centre New Materials, Composites and Nanotechnologies (Composites of Russia) of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University (BMSTU) Vladimir Nelyub spoke about the establishment of the Moscow Composite Cluster in order to develop in Moscow the production of composite materials, as well as R&D infrastructure for the industry of composite materials.

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Issue #6/2014
Moscow Composite Cluster: first experience and prospects of development
17 September in Moscow the congress-exhibition Composite Build 2014 was held. It has brought together professionals interested in the development of composite materials industry. Business program of the event included a discussion about aspects of the use of composites in the construction of buildings and infrastructure, as well as about the problems in the industry as a whole. In particular, the moderator of the plenary discussion, the director of the Interdisciplinary Engineering Centre New Materials, Composites and Nanotechnologies (Composites of Russia) of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University (BMSTU) Vladimir Nelyub spoke about the establishment of the Moscow Composite Cluster in order to develop in Moscow the production of composite materials, as well as R&D infrastructure for the industry of composite materials.
Composite Build Congress brought together representatives of major companies and organizations from different regions of Russia, interested in the development of composite industry. The development of effective tools, that will promote this industry, is a task to which the closest attention is paid. Although the program's emphasis was placed on building and road sectors, the focus of the discussion was more general question: "What should be done to encourage the integrated development of composite industry?". Representatives of the newly established Moscow Composite Cluster shared his vision and experience to solve this problem.
The cluster, bringing together the efforts of the Moscow composites developers and manufacturers
Moscow Composite Cluster is a major industry organization established at the initiative of the IEC New Materials, Composites and Nanotechnologies of the BMSTU, as well as of the Union of composites manufacturers, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Aviation Materials (VIAM), RT-Chemcomposite, Union of the manufacturers of pipes and products from composite materials, Higher School of Economics and Composite Holding Company. The initiative was supported by the Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship of Moscow and Innovation Development Centre of Moscow. The constituent assembly, which was held on 30 June in BMSTU, was attended by 150 representatives from the composite industry of the Moscow.

A lively discussion in the constituent assembly showed that there were skeptical participants. But all agreed that it is necessary to establish an organization that would include representatives of the whole industry chain to take into account their visions and would be a uniting institutional body for lobbying of general interests of the industry.
"All participants have joined the main goal – the development of the production of composite materials and products, development of R&D infrastructure, and effective commercialization of intellectual property. Active work on creation of clusters in other regions of Russia is now conducted, and we are confident, that these tasks are fully relevant for them", – says Vladimir Nelyub.
Capital of composites
"According to our calculations, the potential of the Moscow market of composites is very high. It is determined by the volume of construction of transport, office and recreational buildings on the territory of "new Moscow" in the next 20 years, which will require the application of advanced technologies, new design solutions, providing extensive use of composites", – continues Vladimir Nelyub.
For successful implementation of planned projects it is necessary to create a modern regulatory and permitting documentation and also system of support of application of composite materials, to develop recycling system, to resolve personnel issues. One of the key aspects is to raise awareness among employees of governments and their subordinate enterprises and organizations on the benefits of using of composite materials in comparison with traditional materials. These tasks included in the main document of the Moscow Composite Cluster – the program, which defines the stages of development, goals and objectives, as well as how to implement them.
Development of the basic document
Vladimir Nelyub: "The program of the Moscow Composite Cluster was developed taking into account the interests of all industry players. We've got a rather lengthy document. Although the text is still being edited, it is already full program of work. In it, in particular, requirements of the market and possibility of its saturation are calculated. We can say that the foundation is laid, and he will help us to determine the direction of further movement towards the goal. I am sure that our program can help not only in the work of the composite industry in Moscow, but also will be an additional benefit to our colleagues from other regions, who have started to work on this task".
The document can be found on the web page of the cluster www.композиты-россии.рф/ru.
In the fourth quarter of 2014 it is planned to approve the strategy of development of the Moscow Сomposite Сluster, which will focus on reducing of the cost of composite products, stimulating of demand, increasing of the efficiency of executive bodies of Moscow, development of modern environmentally friendly production of composite industry, and also of R&D activities.
"There is a wish to note that, although the cluster was established in the summer holiday season and has been in operation for several months, we have made significant progress, since the interest of the members of the association to his work is not fictitious, and the cluster itself is a living and growing organization. Representatives of other regions already address to us with cooperation offers. Representatives of other regions have already come to us with offers of cooperation. We are open for collaboration and cooperation, which will contribute to the development of the industry, so we invite everyone to dialogue", – concludes Vladimir Nelyub. ■
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