In September was launched a new project of Lomonosov Moscow State University and the Advanced Technologies Center Company - the Nanotechnologies youth innovation creativity center, established with the support of the Moscow Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship and of the Innovation Development Centre of Moscow. A few months have passed since the previous publication about background of establishment of the youth innovation creativity center and the center’s staff began
to implement plans and concepts.

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Книги по нанотехнологиям
Под ред. Кавалейро А., Хоссона Д. де
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Issue #6/2014
The Nanotechnologies YICC: first steps
In September was launched a new project of Lomonosov Moscow State University and the Advanced Technologies Center Company - the Nanotechnologies youth innovation creativity center, established with the support of the Moscow Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship and of the Innovation Development Centre of Moscow. A few months have passed since the previous publication about background of establishment of the youth innovation creativity center and the center’s staff began
to implement plans and concepts.
The Nanotechnologies YICC was established on a solid foundation – 25 years of experience and knowledge in the field of scanning probe microscopy and experimental nanotechnology. Among the achievements of Advanced Technologies Center and professionals, who organized this company, it should be noted the production start of scanning tunneling microscopes in 1987, the development of Russia's first combined scanning tunneling and atomic force microscope in 1988, the development of the world's first scanning probe microscope with full remote control over the Internet in 1997, start of the production of the probe microscopes with help of digital machining centers in 2012. The establishment of the YICC is another important milestone.
YICC specialises in the following areas:
scanning probe microscopes;
3D modeling and machining;
digital machining centers;
sensors and biosensors;
development of scientific instruments.
For pupils, students and young professionals of innovative companies are organized practical training courses, workshops and competitions with prize money.

Practical training courses
The YICC offers courses on the scanning probe and scanning ion conductance microscopy, 3D modeling in SolidWorks, digital machining, as well as on technologies for development of 3D printer. Most courses include, in addition to the introductory lectures and practical classes, access to specialized laboratories and technology centers.
Classes are taught by highly qualified teachers, many of whom, in addition to many years of practical experience, have doctoral and master's degrees and are the authors of dozens of scientific and popular scientific works.
The sponsors of practical courses are Advanced Technologies Center Company (, Medical Nanotechnology Company ( and CNC Schwedt Company (
Creative workshops
Creative workshops are destined for those, who have already have basic skills.
Participants of the workshop "Assembly of a scanning probe microscope by your own hands" will learn to assembly the main parts and components of the main tool of nanotechnology, and will have the opportunity to propose and implement in devices their own original solutions. With help of own hand-assembled scanning probe microscope the children will see atoms and molecules.
Creative workshop "From electronic drawing to finished part" will allow you to acquire the skills of 3D modeling, design and engineering, as well it will be possible to manufacture your own detail on the digital machining center. Figuratively speaking, in this creative workshop you can materialize your ideas. In this workshop 3D design systems SolidWorks, SprutCam and AutoCad are used.
YICC organizes four competitions:
Design of biosensors;
How to build a scanning probe microscope and see the atom;
My first 3D printer;
My first plant.
The contest "Design of biosensors" is aimed at students. The sensors are, as a rule, small devices, that convert the impact into an easily measured signal, for example, into electric signal. Sensors in biological systems are called biosensors. The human body contains millions of biosensors, which define the basic senses – sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste. The devices created by the human, are far behind in the number of embedded sensors.
The task of participants of the contest is to invent and to build with their own hands a simple sensor, that would respond to external stimuli. The solution shall contain a brief description of the working principle of the sensor (1-2 pages), a picture of the sensor (1 page) and test report (1 page). All participants will receive certificate, the winners – cash prizes. The prize fund worth 10 thousand rubles.
The contest for senior pupils "How to build a scanning probe microscope and see the atom" is held in two nominations:
"A story about people or companies that have built a scanning probe microscope and saw the atom". The participants of the contest must prepare a report with text and illustrations (from 1 to 5 pages). The prize fund worth 5 thousand rubles.
"Build scanning probe microscope" – creative solutions for a workable model of a scanning probe microscope, as well as its part. The prize fund worth 15 thousand rubles.
To participate in the all-Moscow contest "My first 3D printer" should send a brief description of the working principle and design of 3D-printer, a picture of 3D printer and a picture of the part made with its help.
The all-Moscow contest "My first plant” is held in two nominations:
"Moscow plant". The participant should tell about the history of the Moscow factory, his achievements, the people who are working on it, products. It is necessary to prepare the description, consisting of the text and illustrations (from 1 to 5 pages). The prize fund worth 5 thousand rubles.
"When I will become plant manager, I will let out a lot of useful". The participant must propose the concept of the plant, whose director he would like to become. It is necessary to prepare the description, consisting of the text and illustrations (from 1 to 5 pages). The prize fund worth 20 thousand rubles.
The organizers seek sponsors. All prizes can be increased.
On behalf of all the staff of YICC would like to express my sincere gratitude for the support from Moscow Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship and of the Innovation Development Centre of Moscow and Lomonosov Moscow State University. ■
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