The emphasis in the program of the III Congress of nanotechnology companies was made
on the problems of state regulation and support of innovations, investment in nanotechnologies, promotion of nanotechnology products and its implementation in large state corporations.
The participants of the congress adopted
a resolution, which reflects the main
problems of the Russian nanoindustry
and their solutions.

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Книги по нанотехнологиям
Мартинес-Дуарт Дж. М., Мартин-Палма Р.Дж., Агулло-Руеда Ф.
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Книги, изданные при поддержке РФФИ
Issue #8/2014
Russian nanoindustry: tasks, problems, solutions
The emphasis in the program of the III Congress of nanotechnology companies was made
on the problems of state regulation and support of innovations, investment in nanotechnologies, promotion of nanotechnology products and its implementation in large state corporations.
The participants of the congress adopted
a resolution, which reflects the main
problems of the Russian nanoindustry
and their solutions.
Nanoindustry can be considered as one of the priority directions of innovative development of the Russian economy. According to the FIEP, volume of annual production of nanotechnology exceeds 520 billion rubles, and more than 18% of nanotechnological products (amounting to more than 94 billion rubles) is exported from the country. The innovative character of nanotechnology companies is confirmed by spending on R&D, which is greater than 24.5 billion rubles per year, which amounts to 4.5% of revenues and is on a par with the world's leading innovative companies (average Russian companies spend on R&D of 0.5% of revenue). Thus, it is possible to predict that, with appropriate support from the Russian government nanotechnology companies are able to compete with foreign companies in both domestic and foreign markets.
Problems and tasks
According to the participants of the Congress, the development of the Russian nanoindustry inhibit the following issues:
lack of competencies and resources to promote the products, including, when working with large state corporations;

weak development of engineering of manufacturing processes;
low level of domestic technological equipment and the lack of systematic mechanisms to promote the localization of production of equipment of foreign companies;
high cost of borrowed funds for R&D and production development;
lack of qualified engineering and technical personnel;
inaccessibility to the small and medium innovative companies of mechanisms to support of export activities;
weak regulatory and technical support of production and sales of nanotechnology products;
imperfect customs legislation;
poor information support of Federal and regional programs to support innovative companies and import substitution.
For solving these problems requires the removal of administrative barriers and the expansion of cooperation of innovative business community, public authorities and development institutions, including through active participation nanotechnology companies in the discussion of the drafts of normative-legal documents. The development of nanoindustry requires the optimization of the mechanisms of domestic procurement of innovative products in the system of public order and the largest state-owned corporations, improvement of normative-technical documents to facilitate market entry of innovative products, the development of instruments of state support of innovative companies, including through the promotion of exports of innovative products and import substitution, provision of conditions for improvement of personnel potential of nanotechnology companies, as well as improving the system of tax regulation in order to stimulate investment in advanced technology.
Development of cooperation
An important resource is cooperation between subjects of industry in different fields. Joint participation in programmes to support innovative enterprises, implemented by the public authorities and development institutions, opens new opportunities for business development. In particular, manufacturers of nanotechnology products can more efficiently use the generated by state development institutions infrastructure to stimulate demand for innovation. Also requires the joint development of the common format of data acquisition about innovative products and technologies for the formation of a consolidated proposals in the framework of various programmes for promotion of innovative products (import substitution, programs of the SME Bank, regional and sectoral programs for demand stimulation of FIEP, programs for export support of RVC and others). It is advisable to expand the use of the Register of innovative products, technologies and services that are recommended for use in the Russian Federation and increase its effectiveness.
In the field of personnel policy possible joint participation in the development of professional standards, the creation of a system of external evaluation of qualifications, evaluation of educational institutions.
Great potential in the development of international cooperation, in particular with organizations and enterprises of the States of the Eurasian economic Union and the CIS. Participate in the analysis of foreign trade activities in respect of goods produced with the use of nanotechnologies and nanomaterials, will allow to objectively evaluate the rates of import customs duties and contribute to the elimination of barriers in customs-tariff and non-tariff regulation. It is advisable more active participation of nanotechnology companies in developing of new and updated technical regulations of the Customs Union.
A special area of cooperation associated with the introduction of the mark "Russian nanotechnology products" to increase confidence in the products of the Russian nanotechnology industry and market protection from unscrupulous manufacturers. In this connection it is necessary to participate in the formation, together with the Ministry of industry and trade of the action plan for the promotion of this brand together with Russian quality mark.
The participants of the Congress decided to apply to the Federal authorities with proposals for support of nanotechnology. In particular, to facilitate access of innovative companies to public procurement and procurement of major public corporations following measures are proposed:
to form at the sectoral level and at the level of large companies with state participation lists of priority imported products and equipment, as well as critical technologies, licenses for which Russian companies have to buy abroad;
to ensure access of Russian producers to information about the prospective needs of the largest industrial companies in various industries;
legislative definition of the status ща Register of the Russian innovative products and to regulate its use in the preparation of the procurement plan. To ensure information exchange between the web site of the registry and official electronic trading sites, serving the state and municipal orders. Introducing for electronic platforms of mechanisms of automated access of potential contractor to information about the list of innovative products that match the theme of the contest;
to develop a Federal normative legal acts, regulating the proportion of procurement of innovative products by state-owned companies and regulatory mechanisms for long-term planning of innovation needs;
to develop indicators of innovation activity for assessing the performance of public companies and their management, calculated taking into account the costs of procurement and introduction of innovative products;
to assist Russian companies in the confirmation of the quality and safety of innovative products in systems of voluntary certification of the largest companies with state participation;
to ensure the inclusion of Russian innovative products and developments in the sectoral programs of import substitution based on the principle of "single window" and to attract public development institutions to participate in the solution to the problems of import substitution;
to develop in the framework of national standards information and technical manuals of nanotechnology to stimulate their implementation in industry and transition to new principles of valuation of acceptable impacts on the environment;
generate mechanisms for the provision of concessional technical and organizational assistance for the export of innovative products and the promotion of domestic high-tech goods and services to foreign markets;
to provide subsidies for nanotechnology products for development of domestic demand and export support for priority product groups;
enhance the tax regulations of the Russian innovation companies, including the establishment of preferential VAT rates with the implementation of nanotechnological products, exemption from property tax, exemption from VAT on importation into Russia of technological equipment, components and spare parts intended for the production of nanotechnological products.
The participants of Congress have supported a number of initiatives of ministries and departments, including the development and implementation of the Ministry of industry and trade of plans for import substitution in various industries, the implementation of the road map of the Ministry of economic development, improving access of small and medium enterprises for the procurement of infrastructure monopolies and companies with state participation, the proposals on amending the Federal law "On Development of Small and Medium Entrepreneurship in the Russian Federation", "On protection of competition" and some other legislative acts, the implementation of the road map of Ministry of energy "The Introduction of innovative technologies and modern materials in the industries of the fuel and energy complex".
The first holders of the mark "Russian nanotechnology products"
In the framework of the congress took place the first award ceremony of the "Russian nanotechnology products" mark. This mark is assigned to products produced in Russia with the use of nanotechnology, corresponding requirements in the field of quality and safety and does not violate the intellectual property rights of third parties. The decision on the assignment of a mark is made by the Commission, formed by FIEP. The company, whose products meet all the criteria, is entitled to unlimited free use of the mark. At the ceremony the certificates received 24 enterprises of the Russian nanoindustry.

In the next issue: the reports of the III Congress of nanotechnology companies ■
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Разработка: студия Green Art