The official opening of the Nanotechnologies Youth innovation creativity centre (YICC) and the Second All-Russian conference of YICC "Commercialization of creativity" became significant events aimed at creating in Moscow creative atmosphere and infrastructure for innovation and scientific and technological progress.

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Книги по нанотехнологиям
Головнин В.А., Каплунов И.А., Малышкина О.В., Педько Б.Б., Мовчикова А.А.
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Книги, изданные при поддержке РФФИ
Issue #8/2014
A.Fedoseev, I.Yaminsky
Moscow Innovation Week: The Second All-Russian Conference of YICC "Commercialization of Creativity" and the Opening of the Nanotechnologies YICC
The official opening of the Nanotechnologies Youth innovation creativity centre (YICC) and the Second All-Russian conference of YICC "Commercialization of creativity" became significant events aimed at creating in Moscow creative atmosphere and infrastructure for innovation and scientific and technological progress.
In may 2013, three of our company’s – Advanced Technologies Center, Medical Nanotechnologies and Biosensor Academy was honored to participate in the nanotechnology exhibition in Washington DC. The joint booth of the Moscow Government and innovative companies at the exhibition in the United States was the largest, most colorful and most informative. Many visitors, including our former countrymen, who came to our booth, told us how difficult it was for young American high-tech companies to get support from American foundations and structures after the 2008 crisis. Colorful booth with the splendor of Red Square and Kremlin have caused them acute sense of nostalgia. Who does not remember our story about this event, see the article1.
Let’s go back to the events of the second week of December – innovation week – in reverse chronological order. What is the YICC, how it should evolve, what problems to solve, how to make it effective and funny, how to send it to float freely, so he did not drown in a sea of events, with its storms and tides – this was the conversation at the Second All-Russian conference of YICC "Commercialization of creativity".

The conference was opened by the director general of the CID of Moscow Konstantin Fokin, who welcomed the participants and gave the floor to the executive director of the Association of innovative regions of Russia (AIRR) Ivan Bortnik. Mr. Bortnik with inexhaustible energy and persuasion contributed to the emergence of many new forms of youth creativity – fablabs and YICC. In active discussions about the role of YICC participated K.Fokin and director of Department for development of small and medium enterprises under Russian Ministry of economic development Natalia Larionova. Achievements and challenges, developments and assessments of the effectiveness of the YICC were discussed. Moscow city Duma was represented by Anton Molev, the Chairman of the Commission for education. The regions were also well represented: Kazan, Krasnoyarsk, Kurgan, Novosibirsk, St. Petersburg, Saratov, Tomsk. A large number of active and successful participants came from Penza.
Two success stories of fablabs were presented by speakers from Argentina and Israel. Francisco Gerardi spoke about Fablab Buenos Aires (, and Ohad Meyuhas – about the history of the Fablab Holon ( – a successful platform for creativity in a poor quarter of the Holon.
The main emblem of YICC is a open hand painted with rainbow colors, a symbol of creativity and diversity. Whether manual skills in digital production will be necessary? Whether it is necessary to teach manual skills in YICC or not? Our experience says that only those, who have the manual skills, can create digital models suitable for the production. Skillful hands are controlled by a smart head.
The conference ended, but, without a doubt, the specified range of problems and tasks, outlined objectives and goals will help its participants to work on a new level: to earn money, to support teachers, to find new ways of attracting talented young people to creativity and innovation, to win their hearts, to customize and improve the business model, to work with sponsors. We wish all participants success in this fascinating, but not a simple way.
Before the conference, on December 10, was officially opened Nanotechnology YICC. Its partners are the Lomonosov Moscow State University and Advanced Technologies Center. By the way, next year the University will celebrate the 260th anniversary, and the Advanced Technologies Center will celebrate 25th anniversary, that is not bad for a company working in the field of experimental nanotechnology.
Nanotechnologies are the leitmotif of the establishment of the YICC, and they are unthinkable without the main experimental method – scanning probe microscopy. Lomonosov Moscow State University uses scanning probe microscopes for teaching and research, and the Advanced Technologies Center knows how to develop and design it, therefore, the cooperation in the framework of the YICC is natural. It is not surprising that the first lectures at the opening of the center were dedicated to atomic force microscope (report of Ph.D. N.Meshkov,) and scanning ion conductance microscope (report of Ph.D. P.Gorelkin).
Nanotechnology YICC is equipped with six scanning probe microscopes: educational-scientific complex FemtoScan (five workplaces), as well as with the mobile version of the scanning probe microscope FemtoScan, which can be used in master-classes, educational forums, in schools and universities. These unique microscopes provide the following capabilities: remote trainings; to organize a workshop on-site and remotely via the Internet; to conduct study groups for children and students; to solve the serious scientific problems; to observe atoms and molecules; to consider viruses and bacteria; to transmit data to an unlimited number of users (observers); to draw images of micron scale on the surface of graphite; to talk in plain language, what is nanotechnology; to do more, which was not included in this list.
FemtoScan are completely domestic developments. The first version of this scanning probe microscope was released in 1997 by the Advanced Technologies Center. Now the educational version of FemtoScan is produced by Medical Nanotechnologies company – these are the devices installed in the YICC. Inherently FemtoScan is a full-featured universal scanning probe microscope, suitable not only for training but also for the most complex scientific research. Incidentally, probe microscopes now successfully conquer new areas of modern medicine. An example of this is the scanning ion conductance microscope MNT, developed with the successful interaction of the Medical Nanotechnologies and Yuri Korchev, Andrew Shevchuk and Paul Novak from Imperial College London. The microscope was created with the help of the YICC, who helped in the manufacture of mechanical parts and provided an inverted optical microscope. Trainings of students and young professionals on the scanning ion conductance microscope now takes place in the Nanotechnology YICC.
For control of scanning probe microscopes the FemtoScan Online software is used, which is also a domestic product.
The Nanotechnology YICC has 100 licenses of FemtoScan Online, by means of which it is possible not only remotely control of the devices, but also to process and analyze data from almost all types of microscopes – optical, electron and probe. It is also possible capture images and video streams from cameras and scanners and also to create videos. Now negotiations are underway to expand the number of licenses in the Nanotechnology YICC to 1000 or more units. Laboratory of microscopy of YICC is located in the Center of collective use of the Faculty of Physics of Lomonosov Moscow State University (room 1-31). In the same place, it is possible to study 3D design by means of modern software – Solid Works, AutoCad, SprutCad and others.
Other, but not less important directions of the activities of the centre are the development and practical application of 3D printers and 3D machining centers. About 3D printers and contests with cash prizes, see the articles2.
Once again we would like to mention that all equipment in YICC – 3D printers, 3D microscopes, 3D machining centres are developments of Russian companies Advanced Technologies Center, Medical Nanotechnologies, Biosensor Academy and Energy-efficient technologies. It not a craze, not our answer to sanctions, but it is good!

Our thanks to Natalia Lvova for photography. ■
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