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Книги по нанотехнологиям
Мартинес-Дуарт Дж. М., Мартин-Палма Р.Дж., Агулло-Руеда Ф.
Пантелеев В., Егорова О., Клыкова Е.
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Книги, изданные при поддержке РФФИ
Issue #2/2015
S.Nesterov, G.Ivanova, E.Belyaeva
Let 100 Flowers Blossom
In the current situation one of the key problems of development of the Russia began the transition from raw materials export model to the creation of high-tech competitive domestic economy based on the real sector. With the formation of the sixth technological way, a new impulse will be given to the defence industry, space technology, flexible automated production, the creation of new structural materials, alternative energy sources, and in all these directions achievements of vacuum science and technology are used. In this regard, for improvement of investment and business climate, strengthening of innovation activity of enterprises, improvement of personnel policy, expansion of international relations, since 2005 in Moscow the VacuumTechExpo began to be held.

The main objectives of the exhibition are the demonstration of unique materials and technologies and their promotion on the market, establishment of business connections, attraction of investments, assistance in the formation and implementation of national and regional programs in the field of vacuum technology.


The forum is organized by MVK, a member of the ITE group. The project was headed by S.Martyshov, M.Vorobev, D.Zhukov, N.Lomunova. All ten years co-organizer of the exhibition and organizer of the business program is Vekshinsky Research Institute for Vacuum Machinery. The exhibition was supported by the Russian scientific and technical vacuum society, the Moscow chamber of Commerce and industry, the Bauman MSTU, Moscow Committee on science and technologies, the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.

The General sponsor of the exhibition at the initial stage was Polema, later became Intech Analytics. Great contribution to the establishment of the forum has made a laureate of the State prize of the USSR and Russia, prizes of the Government of the Russian Federation, Professor A.Arkharov, test pilot of the first class, Hero of Socialist labor, winner of the 101 world records M. Popovic, laureate of Lenin and State prizes, Hero of Socialist labor V.Finogeyev, Deputy Chairman of the Duma Committee of the Russian Federation A.Russkih, academician RAS A.Bugaev, academician RAS A.Sigov, and many others.


Ten exhibitions participated 182 Russian and foreign companies, including manufacturers of vacuum equipment from Austria, Belarus, Great Britain, Germany, Israel, China, Korea, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Netherlands, Slovakia, Slovenia, USA, Ukraine, France, Switzerland, Japan. In all exhibitions participated Vekshinsky Research Institute for Vacuum Machinery, Moscow Institute of High-Power Engineering, Cryogenic and vacuum systems, Ferri Vatt, IZOVAC, Vacuummash, Megatechnica, CCS Services, BLM Synergie, GNB Corporation and Vacuum Service. Nine-time participants are Intech Analytics, Tako Line, Research Institute of Precision machine manufacturing, VTT, Glynwed Russia, Friatec.


2335 visitors in 2014 is a good result for specialized exhibition, besides, compared with the previous year their number increased by 8%. The main visitors of the exhibition are representatives of users of vacuum equipment for the production or scientific research from Moscow, Moscow region and 47 regions of Russia. Also the exhibition is visited by foreigners from Belarus, Ukraine and abroad. 90% of visitors are heads of departments and managers, and executives of firms, i.e. are persons directly responsible for decisions on the purchase of equipment. 15% of visitors identified themselves as specialists in the field of nanotechnology and nanomaterials, 32% were interested in cryogenic equipment.

and other events

Along with the exhibition there was held the international scientific-technical conference “Vacuum equipment, materials and technology”. During the 10 years of its implementation more than 500 reports of about 700 authors are published. All these years, the forum has worked under the motto “Vacuum technology, cryogenics and nanotechnology are the three pillars on which rests the world of high technologies”, which is reflected in the themes of the conference:

•Vacuum technology and aerospace complex;
•Vacuum technology and equipment;
•New thin film technologies. Methodology and research. Technological equipment
•Nanotechnology and biotech-
•Cryogenic and cryovacuum technology.
Famous Chinese expression says: "Let 100 flowers blossom, let 100 schools of thought contend". Today it can be stated that in the forum had blossomed 300 flowers – so many organizations from Russia, CIS and abroad took part in it. In scientific and technical conferences young scientists from Vekshinsky Research Institute for Vacuum Machinery, Bauman MSTU, Stankin MSTU, CNIITMASH, Lab Depot, Vacuummash, Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University, Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University LETI, Moscow Institute of High-Power Engineering.

To promote participants of the exhibition and conference the contest "For innovative developments in the sphere of high technologies" (see table) was organized, and young scientists received awards for the best reports. About 40 prominent members of science, education and industry, as well as Institute of Ultra-High-Frequency Semiconductor Electronics of RAS, Department of Electrophysical facilities of National Research Nuclear University MEPhI and Moscow’s committee on science and technology were awarded the medal of the academician S.A.Vekshinsky. The exhibition program included presentations by scientists and specialists from related fields of knowledge, specialized seminars, in particular, “Vacuum technology and aerospace complex”, “Functional coatings for optics, sensors and electronics” (Fraunhofer Institut), as well as individual presentations of organizations.

Educational and publishing projects

The organizers are working to create an industry terminology and standards, publish reviews of the exhibition in specialized journals (in particular, 18 articles were published in the Nanoindustry journal in 2008-2014). The annotated bibliography of books from a private library of the academician S.A.Vekshinsky is created, the annotated bibliography of publications on vacuum technology is constantly updated. The list of 100 books on vacuum technology published in Russian in the period since 1746 to the present is also made. The English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary on vacuum technology, which includes 4,500 terms, and a Glossary of vacuum technique and technology were published. Information about conferences, seminars and public organizations in the field of vacuum science, technique and technology in the USSR and Russia in the period from 1960 to the present were systematized and published.

In the materials of the conference the articles, dedicated to the memory of M.V.Lomonosov, D.I.Mendeleev, S.A.Vekshinsky, V.S.Kogan, V.M.Brodyansky, N.F.Kapustin, G.F.Ivanovsky were published. The monument in the memory of the flight of D.I.Mendeleev in 1887 in a balloon from Klin was installed in the village of Spas-Ugol. A memorial plaque was installed in Pskov on the house where in 1896 S.A.Vekshinsky was born. The Museum of vacuum technology with about 500 exhibits is created and developed in the Vekshinsky Research Institute for Vacuum Machinery. The exhibits were presented on the first and fifth exhibitions. Every year the Museum is visited by up to 150 students of Moscow universities.

Acquaintance with foreign experience

The business program of the exhibition was attended by the Japan Vacuum Industry Association, China Association of Vacuum Equipment Manufacturers, European Society of Thin Films, American Vacuum Society.

The Intech Analytics organized seven “Vacuum-tours” for the leading Russian specialists in the field of vacuum equipment and technologies for the acquaintance with the leading factories, specialized in the production and service of vacuum equipment: HSR (Balzers, Liechtenstein), VAT (Haag, Switzerland), Edwards (Lutin and Brno, Czech Republic). The workshop participants were trained and received certificates.

From past to future

For 10 years of existence VacuumTechExpo has become a major Russian event in the field of vacuum equipment. Further development of industry in Russia is largely determined by the innovations. Russia must keep positions of industrially developed state, therefore, among the social and economic priorities of the state is particularly important the development of the knowledge-intensive branches of production with high added value. The vacuum technology, cryogenics and nanotechnology belong to such branches. Without a doubt, the VacuumTechExpo will promote further development of industrial and economic relations, establishment of new business and personal connections, exchange of scientific and technical information.
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Разработка: студия Green Art