In the last issue of the journal (“Nanoindustry” No. 5(59), 2015, pp. 28–31) our experts shared their experience in the service of high-tech equipment. As a continuation of the topic we present the opinion of Alexey Alekseyev, General Director at SemiTEq, Ph.D.

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Issue #6/2015
Rational organization of customer service
In the last issue of the journal (“Nanoindustry” No. 5(59), 2015, pp. 28–31) our experts shared their experience in the service of high-tech equipment. As a continuation of the topic we present the opinion of Alexey Alekseyev, General Director at SemiTEq, Ph.D.
Quality and efficient after-sales customer support is an important component in long-term relationships with customers (CRM). Ultimately, it has a significant impact on customer loyalty to the products of the company and determines the reputation of the manufacturer of the equipment on the market. The establishment of an effective service is one of the priorities of the competitive strategy of any company, especially operating in innovative sectors of the economy.

The customer service of SemiTEq is aimed at reducing the time of problem solving by finding the optimal and least costly for the customer technical and organizational solutions, as well as by regular monitoring of equipment and generate proposals for preventive maintenance. The company relies on years of experience in the operation of a complex special technological equipment. Accumulated competencies allow our experts to look at the problem through the eyes of technologists, as well as effectively to add a technological component to the technical features of the service.

Due to the complexity of SemiTEq equipment maintenance is carried out directly without the involvement of intermediaries. The engineers perform warranty and post-warranty support of projects regardless of the location of the customer, whether in India, Canada or Siberia. In 2011, SemiTEq has created an application laboratory to provide technological support. Technological training of customer’s personnel is always included in the supply of equipment. Advanced technological training is offered as additional service, including development and implementation of customer-oriented processes on the supplied equipment. Now this is a very popular option for the majority of our customers.

When contacting the office the user receive the initial qualified consultation on the phone within 24 hours. In some cases the remote diagnostics of equipment is used, which is particularly effective in adjusting and upgrading the software for process control, as well as to identify the causes of faults based on the analysis of the process parameters archive. If necessary terms of arrival of the service engineer are coordinated with the customer. All consumables and key components patented by SemiTEq, are always available at the warehouse in St.Petersburg, to minimize the duration of troubleshooting. However, quickness of service support is always directly related to the type of the problem or breakage. If service most often is planned and coordinated with the client, and we can order in proper time the required products, then in difficult cases the term of assistance can be increased.

Currently we are increasing the staff of service engineers and conducting trainings for engineering and technical personnel. We consistently raise the localization of production and try to expand the range of domestic manufacturers. The suppliers that meet the requirements of quality and delivery time are selected, it’s a hard work for a number of reasons, but it is essential. Significant reduction of waiting times due to the exclusion of imported components increases the efficiency of our service and allows us even more effective serve the equipment of our customers and partners.
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