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Мартинес-Дуарт Дж. М., Мартин-Палма Р.Дж., Агулло-Руеда Ф.
Пантелеев В., Егорова О., Клыкова Е.
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Issue #1/2017
High purity supply systems for high-tech industries
One of the important preconditions for the development of high-tech industries is a highly qualified engineering. In Russia the market of engineering services employs both local and international companies, which often implement complex projects with joint efforts. In Russia, both local and international companies operate in the market of engineering services, which often implement complex projects with joint efforts. One of the leading experts in the field of high purity supply systems is the Fäth Group from Germany. The company, which was established in 2004 in Munich, during one decade has been growing up by 100 times: from a startup with four employees to the present status of the industrial group, which employs about 400 professionals. Fäth has branches in 13 countries, including Russia (Moscow) with ООО "Фэт Руссланд" and Belarus (Minsk) with ИООО "Фэтх". Along with a parent company, the Fäth Group consolidates HighQ-Factory GmbH and IQ Inspection & Qualification GmbH. The interview with Alexander Kraatz, CEO of IQ Inspection & Qualification GmbH, is devoted to services, opportunities and projects of Fäth Group in Russia.

Mr. Kraatz, what are the core competencies of the Fäth Group?
We provide turnkey design, manufacturing, installation, commissioning and maintenance of supply and recycling systems for ultra-high purity process liquids and gases. Our services includes also the creation of clean rooms and hook up of the technological equipment. We can carry out turnkey projects, from design to commissioning, training and subsequent maintenance. Let me emphasize that we supply products and solutions designed in accordance with specifications of customers and taking into account their financial resources. In each case we develop individual solution. We have extensive experience of implementing complex projects in the semiconductor industry, photovoltaics, photonics and chemical industry.
Does Fäth Group have own production capacities?
We have several production sites, whose total area is about 9,500 m2, including 600 m2 of clean rooms with classes from 100 to 10,000. In Europe the main production site is located in Klipphausen near Dresden (Germany). This factory manufactures steel and plastic components for supplying high-purity gases and chemicals, performs cleaning, inspection and assembly of components and modules. In Asia the main production site is located in Penang (Malaysia).
What is the main business area of IQ inspection and Qualification GmbH?
Our company since 2007 is engaged in qualifications of gase, chemical supply systems as well as clean rooms for the semiconductor industry and related industries.
The services include helium leak test, particle measurement, trace oxygen measurement, measurement of trace moisture content in ultra-high purity gases, total organic carbon (TOC) analysis, pressure test of liquid and gaseous media. We help customers to ensure the highest quality and reliability of complex production systems.
Please tell us about projects of the Fäth Group in Russia.
Our first project in the countries of the former USSR was implemented in Belarus at the Integral plant, and in 2009 the office of ИООО "Фэтх" was opened in Minsk. The Russian office of ООО "Фэт Руссланд" was created in 2010 in Zelenograd. Our customers are leading enterprises of the Russian semiconductor industry, including Mikron, NIIIS, Angstrem and Crocus Nano Electronics. For example in one of our biggest projects we have designed and equipped about 2,500 m2 of clean rooms for Crocus Nano Electronics in Moscow. Currently the Russian branch of the company employs about 80 people. The weakening of the ruble and economic sanctions, of course, adversely affected the market, having reduced investment activity and complicated the implementation of projects, because certain components are forbidden to supply. Nevertheless, I am confident that these difficulties will be overcome. I would like to note that I really like to work in Russia, because in no other country I faced such friendly attitude towards foreign experts.
Interview: Dmitry Gudilin
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Разработка: студия Green Art