The Institute of Ultra High Frequency Semiconductor Electronics of RAS (IUHFSE RAS) was established on April 16, 2002 with the aim of carrying out scientific research and applied developments in the field of microwave and extremely high-frequency semiconductor electronics. The projects implemented by the institute greatly contributed to the fact that Russia is not inferior to the world's leading technology powers in the field of microwave electronics development. Sergey Gamkrelidze, Director of the IUHFSE RAS, told us about the areas of the development of microwave devices and the work of the institute.

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Issue #6/2017
IUHFSE RAS: industrial Russian world-class technologies in field of microwave electronics
The Institute of Ultra High Frequency Semiconductor Electronics of RAS (IUHFSE RAS) was established on April 16, 2002 with the aim of carrying out scientific research and applied developments in the field of microwave and extremely high-frequency semiconductor electronics. The projects implemented by the institute greatly contributed to the fact that Russia is not inferior to the world's leading technology powers in the field of microwave electronics development. Sergey Gamkrelidze, Director of the IUHFSE RAS, told us about the areas of the development of microwave devices and the work of the institute.
Mr. Gamkrelidze, what are the tasks and areas of the work of the IUHFSE RAS?
The Institute was created 15 years ago to develop new promising microwave electronics technologies with their subsequent implementation in the leading enterprises of the industry and creation on their basis of transistors, monolithic circuits and other microwave devices of the new generation. The idea of creating the IUHFSE RAS was supported by Zhores Alferov, Yuri Gulyaev and other leading Russian physicists. The scientific subject was initially associated with the development of devices based on heterostructures. As a base material, gallium arsenide was first used, then we began to work with new wide-band materials. Recently, the focus is on heterostructures on gallium nitride, which is considered the most promising material for microwave technology for both civil and special purposes. In this area we are one of the leaders not only among the institutes of RAS, but also in the whole country.

Currently, the main areas of development are associated with the creation of new heterostructures, monolithic circuits of various frequency ranges, from decimeter to ultramillimeter, and also of systems on the chip – primarily full-function transceiver modules. In the future, we plan to create systems within the global trend that include both microwave blocks and digital circuits for processing secondary information. Such combined solutions will enable the implementation of new advanced devices for new generation of communication systems, automotive electronics, robotics, miniature spacecraft. This area is considered one of the priority in the country and in the world.

What are the trends in the development of microwave electronics in the world?
Microwave devices develop in the direction of increasing frequencies. If now many devices work in the centimeter range, then in the future the millimeter range will be mainly used. Great potential exists in the field of so-called terahertz technologies. We are conducting sufficiently large-scale studies of the problems of creating devices for frequencies up to 6 THz, in particular, last year we developed a quantum-cascade laser that showed stable generation. In the future, we will develop this area, developing quantum-cascade lasers, antennas for the terahertz range and devices that can be based on them.

I would also like to note the tendency to create highly integrated systems where digital and microwave elements are placed on a single chip. Such a solution will allow the processor part to be as close as possible to the receiver of the microwave signal, which will reduce the dimensions of the device, minimize errors, improve reliability and resistance to external factors.
How do you assess the current level of development and production of microwave electronics in Russia?
I believe that in recent years much has been done in the country to develop this area. If in the 1990s there was a backlog, now we are gradually eliminating it. In particular, a large project for the organization of production of solid-state and vacuum microwave electronics is being implemented at the RPC "Istok" named after Shokin in Fryazino. In Pulsar (Moscow) an investment project is being implemented to create the first domestic serial production of monolithic circuits on gallium nitride, which is already at the stage of installation of equipment. We cooperate with both Istok and Pulsar. With the latter, a joint R&D is carried out, within which our developments in the field of microwave electronics will have to be introduced into batch production.

In general, the Department of Radio Electronic Industry of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation is making great efforts to ensure that our electronic component base reaches a modern level, and its work deserves the highest appreciation. A positive role was played by the import substitution program, which stimulated the development of modern Russian semiconductor devices in order to replace foreign products used in domestic radio electronic equipment. Thus, according to the level of development of microwave electronics, we are already on par with foreign companies, and the lag in implementation and serial production will be minimized after the implementation of the projects that I mentioned.
In different sectors of the economy, the effect of import substitution was different. How much did this policy help the development of microwave electronics?
In radio electronics, the correct approach to import substitution has been implemented, so it really benefits the industry. We did not go on the way of copying imported devices, since in this case, lag from foreign developers for 5–10 years is initially laid. The creation of the same devices on our technological basis, which in their parameters correspond to foreign products, without copying their design, is a much more rational policy that allows the development of R&D and production. However, since our equipment uses a very large nomenclature of foreign-made microcircuits and it is not advisable to replicate each of them separately from the point of view of time and money, a promising way is to create highly integrated microwave devices that, in combination of their parameters, will replace several types of foreign monolithic integrated circuits (MIC). For example, we are currently developing highly integrated transceiver modules that will replace six types of foreign devices.

What is the role of the "Microwave technologies" platform in the development of Russian microwave technology?
The technological platform coordinates the development of microwave electronics in the country, of both science and production. In fact, it accumulates promising ideas and gives impetus to their development. Within the framework of the technological platform, we establish and develop cooperation with industrial enterprises, which regularly present their initiative projects. I believe that the active work of the structures of the technological platform ensures the intensification of the development of Russian microwave technics.

What know-how does the institute have?
We have good achievements in the areas of creating MIC of the millimeter range (59–64 GHz), devices of the three-millimeter range (89-93 GHz), transceiver modules, where both the receiving and transmitting part are located on a single chip. I would like to note that integrated devices provide important advantages for a number of applications in terms of noise reduction at the input and increase in output power. On the gallium nitride our institute for the first time in the world created single-chip integrated devices with built-in antennas.

In the current year, we were the first in the country developed MIC of LNA and VCO based on the "gallium nitride on silicon" structures. Abroad, this area began to develop also very recently. Such devices are much cheaper and more technologically productive than, for example, products in which silicon carbide is used as the substrate. The "gallium nitride on silicon" structures are compatible with the classical silicon technologies implemented at the enterprises of the domestic radio electronic industry, so it becomes possible to create both microwave and digital elements in a single cycle. To realize such a production, it is also important that there are technologies for manufacturing gallium nitride microwave MIC without using gold.
How do you assess the prospects for applying the Institute's developments in civil technology?
Our devices can be used in 5G mobile communication systems, car locators, sensors for robots for various purposes, including small-sized medical robots. Developments in the field of terahertz technology will find application, for example, in equipment for medical diagnostics and in highly sensitive chemical sensors.

What are the sources of financing for civilian projects?
Since we are a government institution, we receive funding within the approved annual research plan. Additional funds for research are attracted in the framework of contracts with the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, and having obtained experimental samples we carry out developments for the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia. We also receive orders directly from industrial enterprises, and often it is a question of works of special complexity. For example, recently we developed a technology for the formation of a diffraction grating on wafers with laser diode elements for microwave optoelectronic modules ordered by the POLYUS Research Institute named after M.F. Stelmakh. Except for us, no one in Russia or Belarus could solve this problem..

Is it possible to improve the efficiency of the system of public funding for R&D in Russia?
The level of funding for science in the country as a whole is insufficient. Funds allocated by FASO are sufficient for funding about 25% of research projects, the rest we should to find ourselves. If a separate program for financing basic research were adopted, the speed and efficiency of the development and introduction of new technologies would be higher.

As for design and development, at state contests the advantages are enjoyed by large companies that have the necessary free funds to secure the contract. We, as a state-owned enterprise, do not have such funds and we can not attract them. Therefore, the most rational scheme is cooperation with industrial enterprises, when we develop technologies for them, produce prototypes of devices, conduct tests and then transfer the solution to the customer who will mastering the serial production.
What industrial infrastructure does the institute have?
We consistently implement the Fab light model, which involves research, development, modeling, prototype production, and the production of small series of devices in the institute. In many cases, such a scheme is optimal, since the production of small batches in large enterprises is not beneficial to either the customer or the performer. Small series of products that need to be quickly manufactured and quickly implemented, are required, for example, in the space industry. I believe that for organizations like ours, engaged in both research and experimental production, this vector of development is justified.

Unfortunately, we can not implement large investment projects, as budget financing is limited to a rather narrow framework, and bank loans are not available. Nevertheless, we regularly expand and update the equipment base. For example, this year we will install the atomic layer deposition system. We are trying to buy something for extrabudgetary funds. In particular, now with a number of commercial structures the issue of leasing of equipment for the implementation of the project in the field of civil mobile communication is being studied.
"Bottleneck" of our production so far is the group processing of wafers. However, there are also occasions for pride. For example, when we were the first in the country to release a batch of LNA and VCO on the "gallium nitride on silicon" structures, the chip yield was about 80%, this is several times higher than in domestic industrial enterprises.
Does IUHFSE RAS participate in international projects?
Within the framework of the Union State of Russia and Belarus, we plan together with Radiofizika PJSC to implement a program for the creation of active phased antenna arrays of millimeter range and electronic components for them. Cooperation with non-CIS countries is mainly limited to the exchange of information about R&D in the framework of conferences and other scientific events common to the scientific community. Since our institute participates in the implementation of the state defense order and our technological developments belong to the state customers, we are serious about protecting our know-how. Besides, foreign colleagues did not offer full-fledged cooperation that would provide mutual enrichment with knowledge and technology, and of course we are not interested in giving our achievements unilaterally for implementation somewhere abroad.

What is the role of the institute in training personnel for the industry?
We have post-graduate studies, we carefully select candidates and, as a result, almost 100% of its graduates defend their theses, after which they work in our institute or other organizations of the industry. Graduate students come mainly from MEPhI, MIREA and MIET.

Please tell us about the plans and prospects for the development of the institute.
Given the financial indicators of the institute, FASO decided to implement a new autonomous form of work. When all the necessary documents are approved, we will receive the status of a "Federal State Autonomous Scientific Institution". A governing body will be formed – the supervisory board, which without coordination with the FASO, usually requiring weeks or even months, will make decisions concerning the operational management of the institute's work. We will be able to receive bank loans and implement leasing schemes. At the same time, the IUHFSE will remain a state institution. This is the nearest perspective.

The development plans include the upgrading of our technological line and the transition to small-scale production of microwave devices, the development of a new production site in Mytishchi and transferring part of the equipment to this site, the creation of a new generation of devices on nitride structures on silicon, the development of new frequency ranges, interaction with microelectronics enterprises in the development of combined systems on a chip. I would like to note that we are constantly creating new technologies that are oriented towards the solution of applied problems. Among them there are unique developments, for example technology, which can allow in very short time to create microwave products of different frequency ranges and functional assignments on the basis of a number of unified components. However, it is too early to tell about it in greater detail.
In conclusion, I would like to say that Russia can not exist without world-class electronic production. In the conditions of economic sanctions, only scientific organizations can create competitive world-class technologies. Therefore, our industrial enterprises should cooperate more actively with the institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences. No one will sell the newest technologies, they can be developed only within the country, and our institute is ready to do it.
Interview: Dmitry Gudilin
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