One of the most important premieres at the Control 2017 exhibition in Stuttgart (Germany) was the introduction by Struers of the Duramin hardness testers. Struers is one of the world's leading developers and manufacturers of sample preparation systems for metallographic research. Founded in 1875 in Denmark, the company produces cutting machines, presses for hot and cold mounting, grinding and polishing machines, devices for electrolytic preparation and other equipment, as well as consumables. Currently, Struers is owned by Roper Technologies, Inc. (USA), which invests in technology companies, and has an annual turnover of about 3.8 billion dollars. Struers has 12 training labs, offices and affiliates in 24 countries worldwide. The equipment is supplied to customers in 50 countries, including Russia, where it is represented by MELYTEC. Dr. Gabriele Steffes, Senior Manager, Business Support and Product Marketing, told us about the new range of hardness testers.

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Issue #6/2017
New player in market of high-tech hardness testers
One of the most important premieres at the Control 2017 exhibition in Stuttgart (Germany) was the introduction by Struers of the Duramin hardness testers. Struers is one of the world's leading developers and manufacturers of sample preparation systems for metallographic research. Founded in 1875 in Denmark, the company produces cutting machines, presses for hot and cold mounting, grinding and polishing machines, devices for electrolytic preparation and other equipment, as well as consumables. Currently, Struers is owned by Roper Technologies, Inc. (USA), which invests in technology companies, and has an annual turnover of about 3.8 billion dollars. Struers has 12 training labs, offices and affiliates in 24 countries worldwide. The equipment is supplied to customers in 50 countries, including Russia, where it is represented by MELYTEC. Dr. Gabriele Steffes, Senior Manager, Business Support and Product Marketing, told us about the new range of hardness testers.
Dr. Steffes, what are the prerequisites for Struers to enter the hardness testers market?
Earlier we supplied hardness testers produced by another European company, so we know this segment well. In addition, sample preparation systems for metallographic research, which we have been manufacturing for many decades, and hardness testers are mainly focused on the same customers. The development of our own range of devices will allow us to offer integrated solutions from one source and to be fully responsible for the reliability of each component. Target markets are all industries in which the measurement of hardness is a mandatory operation of the quality control. First of all, it are the automotive industry, metallurgy, metalworking. No less important are the scientific and educational centers.

What devices are included in the new range of hardness tester?
We offer nine models, including devices for measuring micro- and macrohardness, testing using Brinell and Rockwell methods, universal machines. We have designed hardness testers with manual, semi-automatic and fully automatic control. Our instruments allow you to change the load in a wide range of values and shorten the measurement time, which allows the user to reduce costs, as one Duramin device can replace two or three conventional hardness testers. For example, the Duramin-600 universal hardness tester, designed for industrial use, is available in three load ranges: from 1 to 250 kgf, from 3 to 750 kgf and from 5 to 3 000 kgf. The device is equipped with an automatic six-position turret and is controlled by a touch screen or mouse. For research and development, we have developed the Duramin-650 universal hardness tester, which is also available in three load ranges, has an automatic eight-position turret with a built-in overview camera, can be equipped with a motorized XY-stage and is controlled by a touch screen or mouse.

What distinguishes models for industrial use?
In principle, all our hardness testers can work in industrial conditions. They have massive cast frames, which ensure stably high accuracy and repeatability of measurements for many years, including when operating in 24/7 mode under the influence of vibrations and in a dirty environment. It is very important for us that customers are absolutely sure of the reliability of the instruments and the accuracy of the measurements.

How will the Duramin hardness testers be marketed?
We produce premium-class equipWe produce premium-class equipment, which is supplied with high-quality consumables, technical and service support. All devices are designed and manufactured in Denmark. Of course, such solutions require a fairly high investment, but our customers receive exceptionally reliable and accurate equipment that will work effectively for decades.

I would like to note that there is a steady demand in the market for high-quality, highly automated devices that allow staff to devote less time to settings and measurements, focusing on the documentation accompanying the tests. Our hardness testers fully meet these requirements: they can work stably with minimal user participation, ensuring maximum efficiency.
Interview: Dmitry Gudilin
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Разработка: студия Green Art