The paper presents the results of development and studies of the epitaxial silicon layers formation obtained by using a chloride gas transport (CVT) in the sandwich system. It deals with the formation of single- and polycrystalline layers on different silicon substrates as well as on epitaxial wafers of “silicon with dielectric isolation” (EPIC). We have researched the temperature distribution in the sandwich system and the thickness of epitaxial layer at the area of substrates, as well as the dependence of layer growth rate to the temperature of source-wafer and substrate, Cl/H ratio and magnitude of the gap between wafers in the sandwich system. The growth rate of polycrystalline layers on EPIC reaches 12µm/min when the thickness of layers is 300–600µm, of single-crystal Si layers on a silicon wafer being 8–10µm/min when the thickness of layers is 40–100µm. The most significant feature of CVT process from a practical point of view is that during the formation of epitaxial layers as a source of silicon, we can use discarded wafers and structures after various cycles of epitaxial fabrication. The transfer mechanism allows creating single crystal epitaxial layers with a growth rate about 10µm/min, regardless of the source-wafer structural quality and polycrystalline support layers, which significantly reduces the cost of manufacturing process.


Разработка: студия Green Art