DOI: 10.22184/1993-8578.2020.13.7-8.414.418

MAPPER LLC was founded as a subsidiary of the Dutch company MapperLithography. In 2012, 10 process engineers were hired, graduates of Russian universities, who spent 6 months in Holland to learn how to work with high-tech equipment and acquire skills in developing technological processes for the production of MEMS elements. Some of the employees had many years of experience in Europe and America even before their employment at MAPPER LLC. The production of MAPPER LLC was launched in 2014. Since then, the MEMS foundry has been continuously operating and supplying products to its customers. Simultaneously with production activities, the company is intensively developing internship programs and accepting students of technical schools and universities for practical training. Today we present an interview with Rod Irina Andreevna, Manufacturing Director of MAPPER LLC, dedicated to the discussion of the role of the educational programs in the high-tech company's activities, as well as results of the internship implementation.

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Issue #7-8/2020
Role of educational projects in the activities of a modern high-technology company
DOI: 10.22184/1993-8578.2020.13.7-8.414.418

MAPPER LLC was founded as a subsidiary of the Dutch company MapperLithography. In 2012, 10 process engineers were hired, graduates of Russian universities, who spent 6 months in Holland to learn how to work with high-tech equipment and acquire skills in developing technological processes for the production of MEMS elements. Some of the employees had many years of experience in Europe and America even before their employment at MAPPER LLC. The production of MAPPER LLC was launched in 2014. Since then, the MEMS foundry has been continuously operating and supplying products to its customers. Simultaneously with production activities, the company is intensively developing internship programs and accepting students of technical schools and universities for practical training. Today we present an interview with Rod Irina Andreevna, Manufacturing Director of MAPPER LLC, dedicated to the discussion of the role of the educational programs in the high-tech company's activities, as well as results of the internship implementation.
Role of educational projects in the activities of a modern high-technology company
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