DOI: 10.22184/1993-8578.2020.13.7-8.466.475

A biomorphic neuroprocessor implements a hardware impulse neural network for traditional information processing tasks, as well as for reproducing the work of the cortical column of the brain. The key nodes of the hardware neural network are the memory and logic matrices, developed on the basis of a new component of nanoelectronics –
a combined memristor-diode crossbar, which have a high integration of elements and energy efficiency compared to known neuroprocessors and separate matrices. The concept of a biomorphic neuroprocessor, a description of a neural network built on the basis of an original software model of a neuron and adapted to the hardware of the neuroprocessor, as well as nanotechnology for manufacturing a memristor-diode crossbar and the results of a study of its electrophysical properties are presented.

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Issue #7-8/2020
S.Yu.Udovichenko, A.D.Pisarev, A.N.Busygin, A.N.Bobylev
Biomorphous neuroprocessor – prototype of a new generation computer being a carrier of artificial intelligence. Part 1
DOI: 10.22184/1993-8578.2020.13.7-8.466.475

A biomorphic neuroprocessor implements a hardware impulse neural network for traditional information processing tasks, as well as for reproducing the work of the cortical column of the brain. The key nodes of the hardware neural network are the memory and logic matrices, developed on the basis of a new component of nanoelectronics –
a combined memristor-diode crossbar, which have a high integration of elements and energy efficiency compared to known neuroprocessors and separate matrices. The concept of a biomorphic neuroprocessor, a description of a neural network built on the basis of an original software model of a neuron and adapted to the hardware of the neuroprocessor, as well as nanotechnology for manufacturing a memristor-diode crossbar and the results of a study of its electrophysical properties are presented.
Теги:   addition and routing of pulses   associative self-learning   biomorphic neuroprocessor   combined memristor-diode crossbar   current-voltage characteristic   electrical and software biomorphic models of neurons   generation of new knowledge   hardware neural network   magnetron sputtering method   memory and logic matrices   nanotechnology of fabrication   аппаратная нейросеть   ассоциативное самообучение   биоморфный нейпроцессор   вольт-амперная характеристика   генерации нового знания   запоминающая и логическая матрицы   комбинированный мемристорно-диодный кроссбар   метод магнетронного распыления   нанотехнология изготовления   сложение и маршрутизация импульсов   электрическая и программная биоморфные модели нейрона
Biomorphous neuroprocessor – prototype of a new generation computer being a carrier of artificial intelligence. Part 1
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