Competent opinion
Half a century in science. From a ferroelectric laboratory to centers for shared use and fundamental biotechnology and bioengineering № 1, c. 8
D.Barbier, J.Cordeiro
Microstructure of 3D-objects. Microlight3D technologies for the creation of micro and nanoworlds objects № 1, c. 16
Year of science and technology № 1, c. 24
NBICS technologies – concept of reformation or foundation of the future technological breakthrough? № 2, c. 88
Colibri, tucano and heron. What instrumentation of Gambetti Kenologia enters the Russian market? № 2, c. 94
Low noise laser sourses: from microwave photonics to plasmonics and biotechnologies № 3–4, c. 168
René Chalmakoff
Turnkey cleanroom complexes and engineering infrastructure. Professional experience of the company DEAXO in Russia № 5, c. 254
Our vector of development is releasing of demanded and competitive products № 7-8, c. 400
Control and Measurements
E.A.Klimov, M.Yu.Murashkin
Strength estimation of a prospective two-component conductor made of nanostructural aluminum alloys by the finite element method № 2, c. 150
Equipment for nanoindustry
I.V.Yaminskiy, A.I.Akhmetova
FemtoScan Online software in virus research № 1, c. 62
S.Y.Udovichenko, A.D.Pisarev, A.N.Busygin, A.N.Bobylev
Biomorphous neuroprocessor – prototype of a new generation computer being a carrier of artificial intelligence. Part 2 № 1, c. 68
Look into the nanoworld: in contact № 2, c. 136
A.G.Kolesnikov, N.V.Gorbunov, Yu.A.Kryukov
Prediction of target erosion of planar MSS № 2, c. 142
B.G.Turukhano, N.Turukhano, Yu.M.Lavrov, S.N.Khanov, V.V.Dobyrn, O.G.Ermolenko, L.A.Konstantinov, Е.F.Vilkov, I.V.Ladatko
Portable nano-holographic planmeter № 3–4, c. 212
I.V.Yaminskiy, A.I.Akhmetova
Electromechanical cantilever sensors for detection of biological objects № 3–4, c. 224
B.G.Turukhano, N.Turukhano, I.A.Turukhano
Рigh-resolution digital holographic microscope for transparent objects № 3–4, c. 232
D.P.Melnik, A.K.Rybakov, A.V.Gospodinov
Qualification and certification of clean steam production and distribution systems № 5, c. 284
I.V.Yaminskiy, A.I.Akhmetova, S.A.Senotrusova, Z.Wang, Yu.Bing, B.S.Luk’yanchuk, E.V.Barmina, A.V.Simakin, G.A.Shafeev
New solution for bionanoscopy based on the optical microlens technology № 5, c. 292
A.Yu.Nikiforov, M.S.Gorbunov, A.A.Smolin, D.V.Boychenko, G.G.Davydov
Evolution of radiation effects in sub-microelectronic devices and test facilities № 5, c. 298
B.G.Turukhano, N.Turukhano, I.A.Turukhano
Recording holographic diffraction grids using a pulse laser № 5, c. 312
I.V.Yaminskiy, O.V.Sinitsyna, A.I.Akhmetova, S.A.Senotrusova, А.А.Piryazev, Е.P.Kozhina, S.А.Bedin
Use of microlenses to improve the optical microscopy resolution and enhance Raman scattering № 6, c. 382
A.B.Fadeev, A.K.Rybakov, M.K.Vetryanschikov, A.V.Gospodinov
Nuances and peculiarities of DOP-testing and differential pressure measurement № 7–8, c. 406
A.S. Silaev, V.V.Polevikov, D.P.Shomahmadov, S.A.Stepanov, V.S.Marinenko, S.V.Soroka, E.O.Litvinenko, A.S.Yurov, D.N.Kalbazov, S.A.Nikiforova, E.N.Andrienko, A.R.Gulyaeva, Y.A.Mescheryakov
Design of a high-voltage three-channel voltage regulator for automotive applications № 7–8, c. 412
I.V.Yaminskiy, A.I.Akhmetova, S.A.Senotrusova
Super-resolution microscopy in biomedicine and biology № 7–8, c. 424
D.K.Magomedova, А.А.Churakova
Distribution of stresses in fine- and coarse-grained cylindrical aluminum alloy 6101 samples subjected to static tension № 1, c. 30
B.O.Bolshakov, R.F.Galiakbarov, A.M.Smyslov
Mechanism of formation of nanodispersed boron nitride layers in PCh13M2-BN powder compacts № 1, c. 36
Ceramics created by the SPS-method from copper-oxide nanopowder № 2, c. 132
Chromium galvanic plating modified by a combination of multilayer carbon nanotubes and nanodiamonds № 3–4, c. 206
A.O.Ismagilov, N.V.Andreeva, O.V.Andreeva
Nanoporous silicate matrices: optical homogeneity problems № 6, c. 364
E.M.Glebova, V.I.Molomin
Production of anisotropic magnetic powders of the neodymium – iron – boron system with high magnetic properties at an enlarged pilot plant № 6, c. 374
Influence of structural state of TiNi alloy on corrosion resistance in activating electrolytes № 7–8, c. 460
V.N.Zelenkov, V.V.Latushkin, V.V.Potapov, V.V.Karpachov, V.M.Kosolapov, V.T.Sinegovskaya, M.I.Ivanova, A.A.Lapin, P.A.Vernik
Peculiarities of the concentration effect of hydrothermal nanosilica in the pre-sowing treatment of plant seeds upon indicators of biomass and sprouts height in the dark growth mode № 1, c. 44
I.V.Yaminskiy, A.I.Akhmetova
Atomic force microscopy: study of viruses № 2, c. 102
А.S.Useinov, K.S.Kravchuk, Ye.V.Gladkih, S.V.Prokudin
Measurement of mechanical properties using instrumental indentation method in a large temperature range № 2, c. 108
Antireflective coatings based on polymer films with silver nanoparticles for solar cells № 2, c. 120
Protein nanogenerators of the living cell electricity as the prototype of the nature-like "green" nanoelectric energetics № 3–4, c. 174
I.V.Yaminskiy, A.I.Akhmetova, S.A.Senotrusova
Optical microscopy with the use of microlenses № 3–4, c. 184
Application of super-resolution method in diffusion MRI № 3–4, c. 188
M.A.Gadzhiev, K.S.Kravchuk, E.V.Gladkikh, G.Kh.Sultanova, A.A.Rusakov, A.S.Useinov, S.V.Apresyan
Comparative study of volumetric and surface mechanical properties of the materials for dental constructions obtained using additive technologies № 3–4, c. 196
S.V.Apresyan, M.A.Gadzhiev, K.S.Kravchuk, E.V.Gladkikh, G.Kh.Sultanova, A.A.Rusakov, A.S.Useinov
Analysis of the mechanical properties of the materials for dental structures after artificial ageing № 5, c. 260
The world’s first scanning probe microscope as a satellite a new stage of the scientific satellite laboratories № 5, c. 270
O.V.Sinitsyna, M.M.Vorob’ev, I.V.Yaminskiy
Automated search for nanoparticles in the probe microscope images using a neural network № 5, c. 276
Shell-based analysis of magnetic resonance diffusion tensor imaging. Part I № 6, c. 328
I.V.Yaminskiy, A.I.Akhmetova, S.A.Senotrusova
New look on the optical microscopy of bacteria through microlens № 6, c. 336
A.Bykova, I.Rod, K.Bitarov, A.Kazachkov, Y.Minayeva, K.Raketov, V.Trushin, A.Frolova, D.Podgornyy, D.Shamiryan
Method for removal of silicon surface microdefects by laser ablation № 6, c. 342
V.E.Polkovnikov, A.V.Strogonov, T.G.Menshikova, A.A.Karionova
Synthesis of Zn2SNO4 films deposited using spray pyrolysis technology and their application in NO2 gas sensors for a bronchial asthma diagnostic device № 6, c. 350
I.V.Yaminskiy, A.I.Akhmetova
3D-Image construction, processing and analysis in biomedical scanning probe microscopy № 7–8, c. 430
O.P. Posnansky
Вiffusion properties of human brain cortex in-vivo (Part 2) № 7–8, c. 434
E.I.Malevannaya, K.M.Moiseev, I.A.Rodionov
Electromagnetic shielding of superconducting quantum circuits № 7–8, c. 446
Half a century in science. From a ferroelectric laboratory to centers for shared use and fundamental biotechnology and bioengineering № 1, c. 8
D.Barbier, J.Cordeiro
Microstructure of 3D-objects. Microlight3D technologies for the creation of micro and nanoworlds objects № 1, c. 16
Year of science and technology № 1, c. 24
NBICS technologies – concept of reformation or foundation of the future technological breakthrough? № 2, c. 88
Colibri, tucano and heron. What instrumentation of Gambetti Kenologia enters the Russian market? № 2, c. 94
Low noise laser sourses: from microwave photonics to plasmonics and biotechnologies № 3–4, c. 168
René Chalmakoff
Turnkey cleanroom complexes and engineering infrastructure. Professional experience of the company DEAXO in Russia № 5, c. 254
Our vector of development is releasing of demanded and competitive products № 7-8, c. 400
Control and Measurements
E.A.Klimov, M.Yu.Murashkin
Strength estimation of a prospective two-component conductor made of nanostructural aluminum alloys by the finite element method № 2, c. 150
Equipment for nanoindustry
I.V.Yaminskiy, A.I.Akhmetova
FemtoScan Online software in virus research № 1, c. 62
S.Y.Udovichenko, A.D.Pisarev, A.N.Busygin, A.N.Bobylev
Biomorphous neuroprocessor – prototype of a new generation computer being a carrier of artificial intelligence. Part 2 № 1, c. 68
Look into the nanoworld: in contact № 2, c. 136
A.G.Kolesnikov, N.V.Gorbunov, Yu.A.Kryukov
Prediction of target erosion of planar MSS № 2, c. 142
B.G.Turukhano, N.Turukhano, Yu.M.Lavrov, S.N.Khanov, V.V.Dobyrn, O.G.Ermolenko, L.A.Konstantinov, Е.F.Vilkov, I.V.Ladatko
Portable nano-holographic planmeter № 3–4, c. 212
I.V.Yaminskiy, A.I.Akhmetova
Electromechanical cantilever sensors for detection of biological objects № 3–4, c. 224
B.G.Turukhano, N.Turukhano, I.A.Turukhano
Рigh-resolution digital holographic microscope for transparent objects № 3–4, c. 232
D.P.Melnik, A.K.Rybakov, A.V.Gospodinov
Qualification and certification of clean steam production and distribution systems № 5, c. 284
I.V.Yaminskiy, A.I.Akhmetova, S.A.Senotrusova, Z.Wang, Yu.Bing, B.S.Luk’yanchuk, E.V.Barmina, A.V.Simakin, G.A.Shafeev
New solution for bionanoscopy based on the optical microlens technology № 5, c. 292
A.Yu.Nikiforov, M.S.Gorbunov, A.A.Smolin, D.V.Boychenko, G.G.Davydov
Evolution of radiation effects in sub-microelectronic devices and test facilities № 5, c. 298
B.G.Turukhano, N.Turukhano, I.A.Turukhano
Recording holographic diffraction grids using a pulse laser № 5, c. 312
I.V.Yaminskiy, O.V.Sinitsyna, A.I.Akhmetova, S.A.Senotrusova, А.А.Piryazev, Е.P.Kozhina, S.А.Bedin
Use of microlenses to improve the optical microscopy resolution and enhance Raman scattering № 6, c. 382
A.B.Fadeev, A.K.Rybakov, M.K.Vetryanschikov, A.V.Gospodinov
Nuances and peculiarities of DOP-testing and differential pressure measurement № 7–8, c. 406
A.S. Silaev, V.V.Polevikov, D.P.Shomahmadov, S.A.Stepanov, V.S.Marinenko, S.V.Soroka, E.O.Litvinenko, A.S.Yurov, D.N.Kalbazov, S.A.Nikiforova, E.N.Andrienko, A.R.Gulyaeva, Y.A.Mescheryakov
Design of a high-voltage three-channel voltage regulator for automotive applications № 7–8, c. 412
I.V.Yaminskiy, A.I.Akhmetova, S.A.Senotrusova
Super-resolution microscopy in biomedicine and biology № 7–8, c. 424
D.K.Magomedova, А.А.Churakova
Distribution of stresses in fine- and coarse-grained cylindrical aluminum alloy 6101 samples subjected to static tension № 1, c. 30
B.O.Bolshakov, R.F.Galiakbarov, A.M.Smyslov
Mechanism of formation of nanodispersed boron nitride layers in PCh13M2-BN powder compacts № 1, c. 36
Ceramics created by the SPS-method from copper-oxide nanopowder № 2, c. 132
Chromium galvanic plating modified by a combination of multilayer carbon nanotubes and nanodiamonds № 3–4, c. 206
A.O.Ismagilov, N.V.Andreeva, O.V.Andreeva
Nanoporous silicate matrices: optical homogeneity problems № 6, c. 364
E.M.Glebova, V.I.Molomin
Production of anisotropic magnetic powders of the neodymium – iron – boron system with high magnetic properties at an enlarged pilot plant № 6, c. 374
Influence of structural state of TiNi alloy on corrosion resistance in activating electrolytes № 7–8, c. 460
V.N.Zelenkov, V.V.Latushkin, V.V.Potapov, V.V.Karpachov, V.M.Kosolapov, V.T.Sinegovskaya, M.I.Ivanova, A.A.Lapin, P.A.Vernik
Peculiarities of the concentration effect of hydrothermal nanosilica in the pre-sowing treatment of plant seeds upon indicators of biomass and sprouts height in the dark growth mode № 1, c. 44
I.V.Yaminskiy, A.I.Akhmetova
Atomic force microscopy: study of viruses № 2, c. 102
А.S.Useinov, K.S.Kravchuk, Ye.V.Gladkih, S.V.Prokudin
Measurement of mechanical properties using instrumental indentation method in a large temperature range № 2, c. 108
Antireflective coatings based on polymer films with silver nanoparticles for solar cells № 2, c. 120
Protein nanogenerators of the living cell electricity as the prototype of the nature-like "green" nanoelectric energetics № 3–4, c. 174
I.V.Yaminskiy, A.I.Akhmetova, S.A.Senotrusova
Optical microscopy with the use of microlenses № 3–4, c. 184
Application of super-resolution method in diffusion MRI № 3–4, c. 188
M.A.Gadzhiev, K.S.Kravchuk, E.V.Gladkikh, G.Kh.Sultanova, A.A.Rusakov, A.S.Useinov, S.V.Apresyan
Comparative study of volumetric and surface mechanical properties of the materials for dental constructions obtained using additive technologies № 3–4, c. 196
S.V.Apresyan, M.A.Gadzhiev, K.S.Kravchuk, E.V.Gladkikh, G.Kh.Sultanova, A.A.Rusakov, A.S.Useinov
Analysis of the mechanical properties of the materials for dental structures after artificial ageing № 5, c. 260
The world’s first scanning probe microscope as a satellite a new stage of the scientific satellite laboratories № 5, c. 270
O.V.Sinitsyna, M.M.Vorob’ev, I.V.Yaminskiy
Automated search for nanoparticles in the probe microscope images using a neural network № 5, c. 276
Shell-based analysis of magnetic resonance diffusion tensor imaging. Part I № 6, c. 328
I.V.Yaminskiy, A.I.Akhmetova, S.A.Senotrusova
New look on the optical microscopy of bacteria through microlens № 6, c. 336
A.Bykova, I.Rod, K.Bitarov, A.Kazachkov, Y.Minayeva, K.Raketov, V.Trushin, A.Frolova, D.Podgornyy, D.Shamiryan
Method for removal of silicon surface microdefects by laser ablation № 6, c. 342
V.E.Polkovnikov, A.V.Strogonov, T.G.Menshikova, A.A.Karionova
Synthesis of Zn2SNO4 films deposited using spray pyrolysis technology and their application in NO2 gas sensors for a bronchial asthma diagnostic device № 6, c. 350
I.V.Yaminskiy, A.I.Akhmetova
3D-Image construction, processing and analysis in biomedical scanning probe microscopy № 7–8, c. 430
O.P. Posnansky
Вiffusion properties of human brain cortex in-vivo (Part 2) № 7–8, c. 434
E.I.Malevannaya, K.M.Moiseev, I.A.Rodionov
Electromagnetic shielding of superconducting quantum circuits № 7–8, c. 446
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