In this paper we will not talk about the instruments, but about the language of the scanning probe microscopy software: the words used, the terms and the notation. The FemtoScan Online software is widely used in the scientific community and, until recently, was available in two languages: Russian and English. FemtoScan Online is now also available in Chinese, the most widely spoken language in the world. In this paper we will tell you how the interface was translated. In 1990, Nobel laureate Heinrich Rohrer visited Moscow State University. A photograph and memories of the charm of this remarkable scientist and man are left as a memento. There is also a dedicatory inscription "I wish all the best in local probing". In 1990 the term "scanning probe microscopy" or its Russian equivalent had not yet appeared. In 1993 a series of papers was published in the journal "Electronic Industry" where we described the methods of local surface sensing [1]. The short triad "scanning probe microscopy" appeared later.


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